Fox Run Vineyards' winemaker Peter Bell leads TasteCamp 2010 attendees through three verticals

By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief

As the NYCR staff sorts out all of the stories we want to write about TasteCamp (and we're going to have some guest columnists as well) we'll continue to share brief snapshots of different events during the weekend.

Fox Run Vineyards hosted the group not only for a grand tasting of Seneca Lake wineries (16 all told) but also for lunch, which included three vertical tastings — two riesling and one (get this) Tawny Port.

I found it to be one of the more educational tastings of the weekend, and I'd like to thank owner Scott Osborn, winemaker Peter Bell and assistant winemaker Tricia Renshaw for hosting us. It was a lot of fun.