Direct Flight from NYC to Finger Lakes Designed to Attract New Visitors

Posted January 5, 2012 by Evan Dawson in Regions

By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Editor

In the days leading up to the recent announcement that Delta Air Lines will soon offer daily flights between New York City and Big Flats, Finger Lakes Wine Country President Morgen McLaughlin hinted at a "game changer." Marketing agents are hoping she's right: They believe this new connection will attract new visitors to the Finger Lakes. 

Daily service between John F. Kennedy International Airport and Elmira Corning Regional Airport will launch in June. One flight will run each day, utilizing a 50-seat regional jet operated by Pinnacle Airlines. Tickets for future flights went on sale last month.

Does it change the game, as has been said? The flight is listed as running 90 minutes, though actual air time will be roughly half that. Still, add the drive time to the airport, arriving at least an hour early, and the time required to get baggage and ground transportation, and the fact remains that this new flight doesn't save travelers as much time as might first appear.

But there will be new opportunities with this daily flight. Here's why.

This connection targets the New York City market that doesn't use automobiles

If you don't live in NYC, that number is probably higher than you realize. According to Census data, 54% of NYC households do not own a car. The number of households that own cars is going up, but slowly. Here's a nice look at how it breaks down. 

Anyone who doesn't own a car was rarely, if ever, going to visit the Finger Lakes in the past. Now they'll have a better chance to change that.

This connection has marketers thinking about ways to bring in more big names

Want to bring a celebrity chef to the Finger Lakes? How about holding a nationally or internationally themed conference? The new argument is: We can get you there easily, with multiple options. We'll see if it pays off.

This connection has apparently been in demand

Ann Crook, the Big Flats airport Director of Aviation, has been saying for months that her customers want this flight. In fact, she cites a direct flight to NYC as the number one customer request going back years. Now, in most cases, she's talking about customers who want to be able to fly directly to NYC from Big Flats, not the other way around. But no matter. Crook points out that this will satisfy customers going out, but also customers coming in.

Whether this flight changes the game and dramatically impacts regional tourism remains to be seen. We can start looking for the impact with the first flights on June 7. 



    Whether or not the addition of the flight between JFK and ELM will dramatically change the game for Finger Lakes Wine Country tourism is yet to be seen. However, I’m confident that offering this option for potential visitors is a huge win for the region. When we visit New York City, whether it’s for an event or visiting with media, we’re consistently hearing “I don’t have a car, how do I get there?” This flight will be another great option for traveling to the region. Plus, not only will this be an option for NYC residents, but JFK is a gateway to the rest of the world so it really goes beyond the NYC market alone. I’m excited for what’s to come for the region this year and the addition of this direct flight can only help.

    Bryan in NYC

    I live in New York City and I’d love to visit the Finger Lakes region again, but this isn’t going to help all that much.
    I’m a grad student, so maybe I’m just not the target audience, but paying for a flight and then renting a car just isn’t convenient or affordable. Plus, it’s not as though the plane lands in Geneva or Ithaca or somewhere IN wine country. It’s still a half hour drive from the airport to Watkins Glen (longer to get to other lakes).
    I think Evan makes a good point with the total time spent traveling as well. It’s probably faster and cheaper for me to rent a car down here and just drive.

    Rick Rainey

    Bryan and other travelers,
    If you are solo in NYC and want to come up here or vice versa, check out the Cornell Bus. $75 each way from NYC to Ithaca on a “luxury bus” with wi-fi, satellite radio and leather seats. It is the only way I go to NYC when flying (bad pun) solo. A little sandwich and a half bottle of wine and your all set.
    Please oh please transportation gods please build us a decent rail line from NYC to the Southern Tier!!!


    It’s an interesting idea and I certainly hope it becomes popular, but I can’t imagine it being the solution to getting people to the Finger Lakes. As others have said, flying two people, plus renting a car, is a big expense - especially when you can just rent a Zipcar in the city for half the price.


    A pre-requisite for wine purchasing is having a way to bring the wine back home. Air travel is no longer a viable method for tourists to bring wine back home with them. Shipping becomes the only option, which gets expensive when purchasing a few bottles at several wineries.
    Rick - I would love to see rail serviced improved all over upstate. When it is faster and less expensive to drive than fly or go by train, then driving is the choice. Sadly, driving is the most cost effective choice for many trips within NY.

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