Heart & Hands Wine Company: Unique Focus (Pinot!) and a Unique Tasting Experience

Posted July 9, 2009 by Evan Dawson in News & Events


By Jason Feulner, Finger Lakes Correspondent

Editor's Note: Jason and I both visited this wine company in recent days and we both left with the impression that, at $10, the cellar tasting at Heart & Hands is the most unique tasting experience in the Finger Lakes, just made for wine enthusiasts. Jason details it below. Higgins is the winemaker who organized last week's industry tasting of Finger Lakes Pinot, which was detailed here. -Evan

I recently paid a visit to Heart & Hands Wine Company, a new winery on the northeastern shore of Cayuga Lake, to scoop a story for Life in the Finger Lakes magazine about the choice of winemaker Tom Higgins to specialize his operation. Heart and Hands makes several different kinds of wine from only two grapes: Riesling and Pinot Noir. In fact, 90% of the operation is dedicated to Pinot, with just 10% focusing on Riesling. Higgins’s choice to specialize so intently is unique to the Finger Lakes and might be a bit of a shock to some consumers, although most wine enthusiasts will sense the Old World emulation that Higgins is attempting to display. Even many California regions like Napa have numerous wineries that specialize in only a few grapes that are fed into a limited range of products.

Higgins' educational stints in Bordeaux and California speak to his craftsmanship and expression. By far the most unique operation Higgins encountered that informed his stance on specialization is Calera, a Central Coast California winery located near Mt. Harlan that primarily makes Pinot Noir. The founder of Calera, Josh Jensen, picked his vineyard sites based on an occurrence of limestone, which is a rarity in California. Jensen views limestone as a basis for good Pinot, much like the growers in Burgundy. Higgins brought this informed perspective back to the Finger Lakes with him, searching for limestone much like Jensen did in California.

Although he is still sourcing grapes from select growing sites, Higgins just cleared his own vineyard at a site he selected primarily for the vein of limestone that juts through the property. You can learn more about the six carefully selected acres in my colleague Evan Dawson's video interview with Higgins in a separate post.

Limestone aside, I was even more impressed with the unique flair that he and his wife Susan — who runs the business side of the operation — have added to the tasting experience. For $10 visitors can take the cellar tour, but it's more than a tour. Guests enter the special-built cellar and taste Pinot Noir directly from the barrels. Higgins explains the site sources for each barrel and also compares difference batches that either had minimal stem contact or quite a bit. The result is bit of a blending game where tasters can mix, in their own glass, Pinot from different sites and varying tannic structure. There is no doubt that this exercise teaches the palate and informs the palate holder about the winemaking process.

The standard tasting room experience is also a highlight. On any given weekend Tom and Susan pour the wines, educating customers about the contents of their glasses, and they offer food pairings to demonstrate the flavors in the wines. I was surprised to learn that Higgins also adds a virtual library of information on the back label of each wine he produces. A bottle of Riesling, for instance, will have vintage notes, percentage composition of the wine by growing site, and all the other vital statistics include harvest and bottling dates, residual sugar—the works. I have simply never seen this level of detail on a label before, and I must say it adds a wonderful dimension of integrity that I wish that the wider industry would consider.

For an even better cool factor, Heart & Hands employs glass Vino-Seal stoppers on some of their Pinot Noir bottles. I’d heard of glass enclosures but I had never encountered one. I am almost positive no one else in the Finger Lakes is experimenting with these “cutting edge” stoppers. Likes his informative labels, Higgins is embracing a very forward-looking feel to his operation.

The Riesling, Late Harvest Riesling, two versions of Pinot Noir (normal and reserve) and the Brut Rose that Heart & Hands carry are all good wines worthy of consideration. The Brut Rose especially impressed with strong honey and strawberry notes with a bit of cherry and nice acidity. Beyond the quality of the wines, the hospitality and informative tasting environment at Heart & Hands makes this winery a must-visit for enthusiasts looking for something a little bit different.



    Jason -
    Nice post. When I visited and saw the glass closures, I immediately had two reactions: 1) Very cool, and 2) Any concerns about oxidation or reduction? Tom’s obviously not going to use any closure with which he has concerns, but I’ll ask him to jump on here and talk a little more about the closures if he can.
    Tom - Can you explain a bit about the decision to go with glass?


    Jason -
    I’m glad you enjoyed your time visiting our winery. We’re looking forward to the next time you can swing by.
    Evan -
    Great question on the closure. Austria has been using the vino-seal for about twelve years and California wineries (Calera, Whitehall Lane) have been on board with it for about the past six. There are a few reasons for the closure:
    1. 0% cork taint - As a consumer, I hate being that lower end of the statistical curve that stuck me with the tainted bottle. So on our “fruit-forward” style Pinot Noir, we figured we would alleviate this out of the purchasing equation for the consumer.
    2. Storage - no more concerns of finding a spot on the rack for this wine to have to lay on its side.
    3. Cooler than screwcap - we have two customer demographics and one is baby boomers. They typically run from the screwcap. The boomers that enter our tasting room love this closure and find it “classy”.
    4. Ease of application - no expensive corking (or screwcap) machine needed for this bottling run. Although, your hand does bruise by the second day, so some innovation wouldn’t be too bad.
    5. 100% recyclable
    6. Reuse - not originally thought of in our purchasing decision, our customers have come up with an alternative to recycling. Some of them have been reusing the bottle for infusing their olive oil because of the darker glass. I think ideas like this are wonderful!
    The redox potential (aka. reduction)is a downside to this type of closure, similar to screwcap. I’ve countered this by focusing on the sulfur levels at bottling and keeping them around 50% (20-25ppm) of what I would be bottling under cork. If you can eliminate this out of the equation, I think the upside is far greater.


    Where can I get Hearts & Hands Pinot in the Buffalo/Niagara area?
    I could use some help picking limestone rocks out of my garden if anyone’s interested. In fact there’s a 1.8 acre sloped piece of property bordering mine if anyone wants a well drained limestone rich site. Just don’t build a home there that’s all I ask.


    Tom, it was my pleasure to visit and I was excited about all the innovative touches you’ve put into the operation that make the experience unique.
    Would you expand upon the labeling idea as well? The amount of information blew my mind-does anyone else do that in any region around the world? Where did you get the idea?


    Bryan -
    At this present time, we are not distributing to the Buffalo/Niagara area, but you are more than welcome to order wines off of our website.
    We will probably not be needing the limestone from your garden. Thanks for the offer. ;-)
    Jason -
    There are several wineries throughout the world (mostly new-world, though) who provide detailed information on the back label. Calera does a wonderful job also detailing some of the vineyard aspects on their labels. I guess we figured that if you’re paying for a back label, and there is no additional cost per word, you may as well give the consumer some wonderful info. Honestly, I have a pretty tough time fitting it all on there and Susan gives me hell if I start reducing the font size any more. She wants to be sure our baby-boomer demographic can still gather the info too. ;-)


    So great to learn about Hearts & Hands and their innovative tastings. Tasting from barrel is such a special part of a tasting experience and I often find it unfortunate that “regular” visitors don’t get to do this at most wineries. I’m sure people feel priveliged when they visit Hearts & Hands. Though we didn’t get to visit on our trip, Tom was so warm in offering to help find us a boat to take us fishing! It’s clear that his hospitality extends in so many ways. I’m planning to come up again in the Fall, so hopefully we can come visit then! Tom, what are you guys doing in terms of fining practices?


    Erika -
    We look forward to your next visit up to the Finger Lakes. I hope we still have wine in the Fall to entertain your palate.
    The 2006 Pinot Noir and 2007 Barrel Reserve Pinot Noir were fined with two egg whites per barrel.
    The Rieslings were fined with Drifine (isinglass).
    The Brut Rosé was fined with bentonite.
    Thanks for your questions!


    Thanks Tom. Perfect!

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