Seasonal Sundays and This Week on LENNDEVOURS

Posted September 16, 2007 by Lenn Thompson in News & Events

This time of year, seasonal takes on a whole new meaning in the LENNDEVOURS household. Instead of talking about the produce that is just coming in on the East End, it means football season-more specifically Steelers season.

As you can see by Jackson’s expression, the Pittsburgh Steelers are serious business around here. So, it will be rare that many Sundays result in posting here. You see, my options for actually watching the Steelers every Sunday are:

  1. Drive to the local sports bar and get stuck watching a tiny TV in the corner, surrounded by a bunch of Jets and Giants fans watching the bigger screens.
  2. Drive almost an hour to my buddy Matt’s apartment, where he has DirecTV and NFL Sunday ticket. Oh, and he’s a fellow Steelers fan as well.

I’m sure you can imagine that #2 is the way to go 9 times out of 10. But, it means planning (food and drink) and Jackson’s nap schedule also plays a part in departure and arrival times.

But, even though this post isn’t about anything food or wine related that is happening today, I can tell you a little bit about what’s coming this week on LENNDEVOURS:

Monday: Announcement of the New York Cork Club’s September Selections
Tuesday: LENNDEVOURS Q&A with Roman Roth of Wolffer Estate 
Wednesday: 3 California (yes, California) Chardonnays
Thursday: Current Red Releases at Pellegrini Vineayrds
Friday: Preview of My 1995 LI Reds Tasting

What is this 1995 red tasting you may ask. Well, I’ve gathered almost a case of reds from Long Island’s 1995 vintage-merlot, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir, blends-and will be co-hosting a tasting at Grand Cru Classes Sunday night. The tasting panel is still being worked out (it’s harvest season, so winemakers can’t fully commit in some cases) but we should have a couple winemakers show up, along with some sommelier/wine directors from local restaurants, and at least one blogger.

There will also e other thing sprinkled in with the above stories…so check back and see.



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