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September 06, 2011


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This is awesome news. Congratulations, Johannes! Welcome to the US for real. May you and your family always prosper here.

A big sigh of relief for you and your family. Looking forward to many years of great winemaking.

Rick and Dewi Rainey

I truly want to thank everybody who was with my wife and me in support and prayer!!

Concerning my BIG FAMILY at Anthony Road Wine Co. with John and Ann on TOP of it - they are amazing and deserve all the credit I can give them. There will be no change in winemaking on my end for John and Ann within the near future.

And whenever the day of change would approach, they would have always as much support as I could give them! They are a big part of my life and family!!

Congrats Johannes! You fought the good fight and won! We in the Finger Lakes and the USA are better for this news!!!

Fantastic news!!!

Fantastic news! Cindy & Steve (we sat with you at a Nine Blind Wines dinner)

I am thrilled, as is, I'm sure, everyone who has read "Summer In A Glass;" absolutely thrilled with this terrific news. It is long overdue for which as an American, I am embarrassed, but today let's concentrate on this good news, congratulations Johannes!

So very glad to hear this terrific news - your story really tugged at my heart. Congratulations and good luck in making all your dreams come true!

Congratulations to you, Johannes. Congrats also to Imelda, Ann, and John for all of their perserverence. Sometimes, good things do happen to good people!

Talented people who "bring something to the party" cannot be deprived of opportunity, and we Americans should not be deprived of that that they bring.

Johannes gift to us is not an "anchor baby" created by he an his wife Imelda to justify their existence...he has brought inspiration and talent to a wine region, he has brought quality production, and ultimately he has brought enhancement to our world.

While there are parasites claiming the privelege, how in good conscience, could we deny him?


This is great news. Congratulations and good luck to you!

This is absolutely wonderful news! Thank you for your dedication and hard work.

This is wonderful news. Ever since reading Summer in a Glass I've been waiting and hoping that you'd be able to post this one of these days.

Congratulations, Johannes. We've got a great country here! Way better than everyone gives us credit for! Welcome aboard!!

Tremendous news - congratulations Johannes!

This is a wonderful thing for all of us in the Finger Lakes winemaking community! It's a rare thing to feel so happy with the government!

Fantastic! That is wonderful news!

Truly terrific news! Congratulations!

I share so many of the same sentiments with all those who have written before me - especially Christine Peacock's and Dave Breeden's.

You and Imelda are part of OUR Finger Lakes family and so we all breathe a sigh of relief and lift a glass to you. Thanks for sticking it out for you, and for all of us. CHEERS!

Johannes, I am so happy for you and your wife! And for the rest of us - losing you would have hurt all of us who love the Finger Lakes.

congratulations Johannes! much deserved, my dear friend was deported just yesterday... unfortunately, and I can feel the emptiness I am sure you were hoping to avoid in having to leave the area. It is a funny thing to understand what the plight of those seeking citizenship exactly go through during their time in this country, certainly a growing experience for me. Best wishes, and I hope you as well as others in the area will continue to fight for citizenship for anyone else in our community who rightfully deserves it.

Great news. Really never understood why the long wait, but happy it's over. Will open up an Anthony Road Riesling tonight. Think it's going to taste much much better (if that's possible) Congratulations Johannes!

Congratulations to Johannes and Imelda! We are so happy for the Finger Lakes Region!

Johannis & Imelda, this calls for a celebration--with salsa music!

This is some of the best news I've heard in quite awhile, Congratulations Johannes! I now have one less thing to be angry at our government over!!!!! I am very happy for both you, and Emelda and the Finger Lakes !

Cheers, Manfred Bauer

Congratulations Johannes and Imelda! We are so happy to hear the great news! I knew about the struggle with your green card from my many stops at Anthony Road but didn't realize the extent of it until reading Summer in a Glass. Again I am so happy for you, Imelda, Ann, John and the rest of the Anthony Road family.

I have just experienced the Finger Lakes for the first time earlier this month. I am in awe by the support that each winery gives each other! This is one amazing example of that. I just watched the video of the book "Summer In A Glass" tonight! Then I saw this post on Facebook, that Johannes was getting his green card! I love the kindness that I see and feel about the Finger Lakes. I can't wait to return for another visit! Congratulations Johannes!

I've never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Reinhardt, and I think I've only stepped into Anthony Road once, but this is great news that brightened my night. Like several other posters, I've been waiting and waiting for news since I finished chapter one of Evan's book. I'll be stopping at my neighborhood store to pick up a celebratory bottle from Anthony Road. Congratulations.
Every once in a while, reason prevails and a good person gets what he deserves.

FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! Johannes truly deserves it.

I can't say welcome home, because you were always home. Love your wine, and you're such an inspiration to us all. Thank you Johannes!

I just finished Summer in a Glass moments ago and had to find the answer to this big question. (But I forced myself to wait until I finished the book to look into the answer.)

I am sooooo relieved and so saddened that this had to be such a fight. Now I just want to shout a huge halleluja. I cannot even imagine how great this must feel for Johannes, Imelda and the Martini family. I'm holding back tears and I only know the story from the pages of a book!

Thank you, Mr. Dawson, for sharing this story with the rest of us.

I am amazed. I am moved.
And I am now even more excited for my trip to the Finger Lakes next week.

Just spent the past weekend in Skaneateles and took a wine tour of the Seneca Lake and Keuka Lake wineries. Purchased the Summer in a Glass book and the first chapter deals with Johannes. Was so upset after reading the first chapter that I had to go to the end of the book to see where Hannes'status stood. Was very dejected to read that he hadn't gotten his green card yet. Went on line to do a search on him and found thius wonderful news. Just told my wife I had gotten a wonderful Christmas present with this news. Gratuliere, Hannes. Schoene Weihnachted and Gutes Neu Jahr.

I just finished Chapter 1 of Summer in a Glass and was compelled to seek an answer to Johannes' Green Card status. What a relief that he and his wife have won their battle! I have fond memories of tasting the BA and TBA weight Rieslings at the Anthony Road tasting room in July, 2009. I found a new favorite winery that day, and it made me proud to have grown up in NYS and see the current vigor of the Finger Lake wine industry. Much of that is due to the leadership and labor of,dozens of people like Johannes. And our next visit to Seneca Lake will hopefully include stopping at the Reinhardt winery tasting room, too!

Just to be accurate, it was July, 2010 we visited ARW. "The memory may faulter, but the sweetness of wine lasts forever."

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