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February 15, 2012


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Sparkling wine? The COLA says "TABLE RED WINE". It's made by Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville, NY and seems to be an experiment in producing wine for a "virtual winery". Nor can it be called or described as "frizzante" under the strictures of the TTB.

I believe this wine is artificially carbonated. Back when I was in the business, the rule of thumb was if a wine had a distinct fizz when you opened and poured it, likely it was over the BATF's (TTB's) legal limit for the addition or retention of CO2. I hope they have it correct, because the limit is quite low and the tolerance quite small and the tax on "sparkling wine" is twenty times that of still wine. It's also difficult to accurately test -- not even Cornell's Wine Analytical Laboratory offers the service to do it.

I'll say it, I hate the name of this wine. I have never had it but I think it makes NYS wine look bad when you have a goofy name like this. I understand they want to make money but as a big supporter of the NYS wine industry I think it makes it look amateurish.

John: You're right, of course, but as I alluded to in the post, I kinda force this wine to work for the theme. And I used frizzante casually. It's extremely lightly sparkling, and I'm sure it's being taxed properly.

Mark: You know, typically I'd agree with some of what you're saying, but because "Happy Bitch" is an existing brand (because of the book) it being the name of this wine doesn't bother me as much. And I certainly don't think a single wine makes the industry look amateurish. There are plenty of wines far more embarrassing than this one being made, trust me. There is an entire winery named Pompous Ass, remember.

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