Posts Written OnFebruary 13, 2006

Wine Blogging Wednesday #19 Announced — When In Rhone…

Du you Rhone? Whether you do or not, join food and wine bloggers the world over with the latest vintage of Wine Blogging Wednesday, hosted by Jathan, founder of the newly re-designed For this, the 19th edition of WBW, Jathan has asked us to focus on the wines of the Rhone, specifically the intricate blends (unless you can find a rare varietal bottling). It looks like I’m going to have to leave my local New York wines for this one…but that’s half the fun. More than half really. His annoucement provides a lot of excellent information with links to…

Sulfites and Additives — Join the Discussion

A discussion of sulfites and American vs. European winemakers seems to be underway here on LENNDEVOURS. One of my contributing columnists, Richard posted The Urban Legend of Sulfites a week or so ago and my other contributor, Charles, has chimed in with his feelings. What do you think? One of my favorite things about wine is the discussions (and sometimes arguments) that erupt from my love of it. Join in the fun and be heard.