Those of us near the North Fork of Long Island are lucky to have access to some great farmer’s markets and farm stands. But, not everyone is so lucky.
It’s possible that that is all going to change…obviously for the better.
Adam Mahler’s of Untangled Vine reports on a move among some Representatives in Washington D.C. to help the farmer’s market movement. He has set up an interview with the
Representative that introduced the bill, so keep an eye out on his blog for more information.
When I first read about the proposal, part of me was worried about the potential for farmer’s market homogenization. I mean, if the markets are run by some large entity, and the offerings are the same, what’s the point? You might as well go to your local grocery store.
But, in reading further, the legislation proposes that at least 50% of the wares come from local producers, which is good. After all, the joy of these markets is getting to know the guy up the road who grows the best tomatoes and getting the best of what your region does well. Again, if you want non-local fruits, just go to your local megamart.
It’s a measure worth keeping an eye on.