It is with much disappointment-but no regret-that I stepped down as editor of the Long Island Wine Gazette today.
The reasons for this decision are as varied and complex as a mature glass of North Fork merlot, but creative (and business) differences with the publisher, increasing demands on the home front with my soon-to-arrive first child and a desire to pursue other wine-related projects all played a part.
Although I only edited one and a half issues, I learned a lot-both about my own writing and my editing skills. And I also learned that it takes a lot of work to resurrect a publication that was on its death bed. I firmly believe in the potential of a publication like the LIWG, but at this time I feel that my time and efforts are better directed elsewhere.
I’d like to thank all of you, both in and outside of the local industry, for your support. And this is far from the end of the fun I have in store for you…trust me.