If you’ve been reading this blog for very long there are a couple things that you know:
- My "day" job is in Internet marketing and it’s something I take pretty seriously
- I don’t think very much of how most New York wineries leverage the Internet to interact with their existing and potential customers.
I’ve also mentioned before that the New York State government is offering small grants to help wineries defray the cost of Internet projects.
But where to use that money? Frankly, most of the local agencies (those on the East End of Long Island) are mediocre at Web design and don’t provide the kind of customer support that small wineries really need.
Jeff Lefervere (known in the blog world for his work at Good Grape) is working with Inertia Beverage as well these days. And on Inertia’s blog today, he writes about the New York grant and how Inertia beverage can help NY wineries with their Internet endeavors.
The ad banner that you see at the right will run here on LENNDEVOURS until the end of May to help get the conversation going.