BrokenglassEvery since I wrote a post (and a similar column in Dan’s Papers) a few weeks ago about wineries and the drunken idiots who sometimes visit them, I’ve heard from a lot of people-both directly and through other channels. Some have written to me saying that there isn’t a problem at all. Others have recounted some of their own less-than-fun experiences. A few winery owners have even taken offense to what I wrote. More on that later this week I hope.

My original point was this: Sure, this stuff happens. Not that much as the Times would have you believe. But yes, It happens.

I have actually seen very few incidents myself, but there was a relatively minor one that I witnessed from about ten feet away on Saturday.

Nena, Jackson and I met some friends-who were doing a limo tour-at their third of four stops. We weren’t there long, just long enough for a glass of wine on a painfully hot summer day, but a large group arrived after us and within about 20 minutes had broken two of the chairs on the deck and at least one wine glass.

A member of their group did come over to our table to apologize, but the tasting room employee that was pouring for them didn’t say a word. He just kept bringing wines out and pouring samples.

I actually felt bad for the kid, he was clearly intimidated by the situation.

So, this has me thinking. Just how many of you have experienced this sort of garbage at the wineries and what has the reaction been? Leave a comment below.