Jay_chick_2If you’ve been dipping your toe in the wine blogging pool for very long knows "The Wine Chicks,"one of the most irreverent wine blogs around. You may have also noticed that The Wine Chicks seem to have flown the coop — the blog has been on hiatus for a while now.

Jay, one of the founding chicks, has let me know that it will be revived in the future, but in the meantime, I’m happy to report that she will be joining the LENNDEVOURS team as a special contributor. I know that Jay has a lot of fans out there, so this is a bit of a coup for this lil wine blog.

What will she be covering? I don’t know yet! She’s a woman of many interests and skill sets, but you can bet it will focus on the food and wine scene in her new home of Buffalo, NY. And something tells me that organic and sustainable will be themes as well.