I’ve been knocking around the idea of having a LENNDEVOURS party/get together/meet-up for a few years now, but it never seems to happen. Every time I think about it, life gets busy, venues back out, or something else happens to keep the stars from aligning properly.

But 2008 is the year that it’s going to happen. Seriously.

I’m still working out some details with the venue, so I’m not going to announce the ‘where’ just yet, but it’s a great spot on the North Fork, right in the middle of wine country. 

Most likely, we’ll hold it in June sometime, hopefully a Saturday. It looks like I’ll have room for 25 or so people at this venue, which should be more than enough given that there’s only about 10 of you reading this right now, right?

Anyway, if you’d be interested in joining me for some wine and probably light snacks or food, let me know. I won’t know about the cost until we’re much closer to the event. Maybe we’ll do a pot luck event or something. Once I work out some of the final where/when details, we’ll figure that all out.