By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Editor
Most wineries around the world use natural cork as the closure for their best vines.
Last week I discovered that Rooster Hill Vineyards, a strong producer based on Keuka Lake, chooses to use synthetic corks (see photo).
Turns out, many of you have noticed as well. Here's the full post, and the comments contain references to the cork question.
Here is Rooster Hill owner Amy Hoffman's response, explaining her choice. Feel free to discuss in the comments section on this post.
"(Winemaker) Barry Tortolone and I have discussed this at length. The biggest reason is to ensure corked wines are not poured in restaurants that typically don't have good trained staff that may recognize tainted wine. The last thing I want is for some family to drink a bottle of wine that is not right and then judge our wines by that experience.
Food for thought!"