Posts Tagged“barrier brewing”

Surge Protector: Long Island Breweries Brew Up Sandy Relief

Beer people are cool. Beer people are fun. And at heart, they are some of the best people out there. When Hurricane Sandy struck, Barrier Brewing Co. in Oceanside on the south shore of Long Island on October 28 sustained damage to the tune of $100,000. And guess who showed up to help. Eight neighboring Long Island breweries and distributor Clare Rose got together a month later to brew Surge Protector, a collaborative IPA benefiting Barrier Brewing and others affected by Sandy. Each brewer donated a different ingredient and brainstormed about style and recipes. Upon realizing I would be on vacation for the beer’s release, I started contacting the…

In Wake of Sandy, Brewery Ommegang Collaborates with Barrier Brewing Company

Barrier Brewing Company’s Evan Klein, Sean Redmond, and Craig Frymark with Brewery Ommegang’s Brewmaster Phil Leinhart, modeling "Project Barrier Relief" shirts at Brewery Ommegang.

I’ve heard many stories of breweries and beer professionals coming together to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy, and I’ve always found beer people to be generally awesome people, so I wasn’t surprised to learn that Brewery Ommegang was lending a hand to a brewery in need. After Sandy struck in early November, Ommegang put out a notice to breweries affected by the hurricane, offering to help any way they could. “We, fortunately, escaped the worst of the storm,” says brewer Phil Leinhart. Other breweries weren’t so lucky, including Barrier Brewing Company in Oceanside, New York, which suffered massive damage…