Posts Tagged“biodynamic wine”

November 29: Organic Wine Tasting at Huntington Cinema Arts Centre

Please join canvas Magazine and the Long Island Sierra Club for an organic wine tasting on November 29 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the Huntigton Cinema Arts Centre (423 Park Avenue). For a $25 donation, you can taste 12 (5 whites and 7 reds) "green" wines, nibble on some snacks from Whole Foods, listen to live jazz, and themingle with like-minded people.. You can either pay at the door, or send you $25 check to Long Island Sierra Club, PO Box 210m Syosset NY 11791-0210. For more info or to rsvp, contact Long Island Sierra Club Chairperson FrankMorris at or…

Wine Blogging Wednesday #29 Announced!

Jack and Joanne (of Fork & Bottle) are playing host and hostess for the first edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday in 2007. The theme? Biodynamic wines. That means that the wine you choose should be made biodynamically or with fruit from a biodynamic vineyard. Jack also asks the questions:  What  sets these wines apart are their purity of fruit, and perhaps, freshness. Do you agree? What are your thoughts and experiences? Is there a profile for these wines? Because of the holidays, we’ve pushed WBW to the third Wednesday in January this time around. So, join us on January 17…