Brooklyn Oenology Launches Website
May 14, 2007 by Lenn Thompson in
News & Events
What, you’ve never heard of Brooklyn Oenology?
Don’t feel bad. I hadn’t heard about them until fairly recently myself. But, they’ve launched a new website this week.
Basically, they’ve bought some North Fork fruit and are making wine in Brooklyn. How is the wine? I have no idea, but I’m looking forward to meeting the founder/winemaker Alie at Brookyn Uncorked later this week…and of course I hope to taste their 2005 Chardonnay and 2005 Merlot.
Stay tuned for more info about these guys. I’ll pass it along as I can.
Oh, and just a little warning, their website blows up in FireFox, so make sure that you’re using Internet Explorer. And don’t get me started on the usability of the site.