Sneaking NY Wines Into the Lineup

Posted May 11, 2009 by Evan Dawson in News & Events

By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Correspondent

Photo Few things put a hop in my step like a tasting of cabernet franc from around the world. Before heading out to Wine Sense, an excellent wine shop on Rochester's Park Avenue, I noticed that the tentative tasting list did not include any New York cab franc. The shop's owner, Kristin Vanden Brul, is a strong supporter of New York wines, and I called to ask if I could bring a bottle to taste blind. She happily agreed; it's rather common at Kristin's tastings for enthuastic guests to bring a bagged bottle from their cellar. I did not tell her the bottle was from the Finger Lakes.

"You're sticking your neck out," my wife, Morgan, observed, noting that there was no guarantee that the dozen other guests would enjoy a New York cab franc.

When we arrived we saw that the tasting list had been updated to include a cab franc from Long Island: the Pellegrini Vineyards 2004 Cabernet Franc. Before we began, one of the guests told Kristin that he had never had a Finger Lakes cab franc, and he wondered if she could add one to the list. She replied that the Damiani Wine Cellars 2007 Cabernet Franc was a late addition to the menu as well — an excellent choice. And then there would be my bagged wine. I was deeply curious to see how the NY wines would show.

The ebullient and ubiquitous Holly Howell led the tasting, and she soon found that the group was comprised of cab franc lovers. We began with a pair of slightly disappointing Chinons (both from 2007, and I admit that I don't know what that vintage was like). But a spicy, herbal Amirault Bourgueil raised the game considerably.

Photo(2) Next stop was Long Island. We were excited; most guests had either never had a New York state red wine or had not had one in many years. "I gave up on New York state almost 20 years ago," one man said. His tune was about to change.

The Pellegrini garnered quite a few raised eyebrows. Nicely structured and varietally on point, the only uniform complaint came from the finishing kick of vanilla. "I'm glad the oak didn't swamp it the whole way, but that's a lot of toast to finish," said the very sharp cab franc afficianado to my right. Disappointing finish aside, the wine showed depth and a nice balance of classic cab franc traits. It had me privately wishing we could have flown in a barrel sample of the Shinn Estate Vineyards 2007, which is earning gonzo reviews.

The cab franc tour then barnstormed through the regions that are turning out a wine that I would never associate with cab franc. Fig newtons and Raisinets are fine, but I hardly think of brown fruit when I think of cab franc. And yet the $47 Vignamaggio 2003 from Tuscany was massive and raisiny; the $45 Benegas 2003 from Argentina was rich with fig and vanilla, and the $47 Viader Dare 2004 from Napa was a bomb (though I confess I very much liked the leaner 2003 version of the same wine, a bonus that Kristin brought from her cellar).

By the time we arrived back in New York state, the Cab Franc lovers were ready for something more recognizable. Many were surprised to find it in the Finger Lakes, in the form of a ripe, spicy 2007 Damiani. The tasters loved the "good green" notes that were balanced by juicy dark fruits.

"After the Pellegrini and Damiani, what do you think of New York state now?" I asked the table's Doubting Thomas.

"I'm impressed," he said, smiling. "We've come a long way. I'll need to plan a few visits."

Not even Kristin and Holly knew what wine was in the brown bag being passed around for the final taste. Kristin had asked one of her staff to open it; she didn't want to know. She does an outstanding job of discerning a wine's origin, so I was curious to see what she would say. I only announced that I am afflicted with a deep love of cab franc, so I wanted to bring a bottle that is special to me for this tasting.

As the group studied the wine in the glass — dark but not black — I began to catalog their comments:

"Best nose of the night."

"A lot there. Smells like an herb garden."

"Well, we can rule out California!"

As they sipped and swished, they began to narrow the search. "Gotta be French," said Doubting Thomas. "I don't know about that," said the astute taster to my right. "I think it could be New York based on the wines we've had tonight. A very good New York."

"That would be neat," the man said, "but this is not a New York wine."

The group decision, led by Kristin, was that this was a "Loire from a ripe vintage." They were shocked to see that it was a Ravines Wines Cellars 2005 Meritage. Now, I cheated a bit, as this was not a pure cab franc (nor was the Pellegrini). But the blend was nearly 2/3 Cab Franc that year, with cab sauvignon and merlot finishing it off. And to me, it was a gorgeous showing of what a Finger Lakes blend, led by cab franc, can be.

2005 was a wonderfully balanced year, and the results were exciting. The tasters at Wine Sense agreed that this particular wine still had plenty of years left and was as complex and enjoyable as any they've had from New York state.

In the wake of Taste Camp East, it's fascinating to see where New York wines will take Cab Franc. It does not sell particularly well in the Finger Lakes and there was a glut of fruit last year that had trouble finding a buyer. In many parts of the Finger Lakes it is still over-cropped and thin — perhaps frustrated growers will finally gear back the tons per acre. On Long Island it is not nearly as widely planted as other varieties. But when wine lovers get a taste of the strong vintages of NY Cab Franc (and trust me, I would not have brought 2006 to this group), the old ideas tend to fade away like the Labrusca vines that once dominated our land.



    Evan: You’re like the Ravines Meritage fairy, sprinkling it in glasses all over the state and changing minds. I’m happy to say that I have 2 bottles left in my cellar.
    You’re not the only one to note the vanilla on the end of that cab franc from Pellegrini — and many of their wines. At TasteCamp, we tasted through a vertical of merlot and many people noted that toasty vanilla on the end.
    We are DEFINITELY going to do a cab franc tasting of some sort when you’re in town. I’ll find somewhere to host us!

    Evan Dawson

    Lenn - Here’s a very honest explanation: I choose that wine from Ravines because I have never poured it blind and gotten a negative reaction, and I just don’t think there are a lot of red options from the Finger Lakes that will be so solidly received.
    That does NOT mean I’m hating on FL reds. I’m just saying the reality is that there are not a lot of slam dunks, and this is one.

    Jim Silver

    At the risk of raining on this parade, doesn’t it seem consistent with Cab Franc (and its fans) that Cab Franc with the addition of Merlot (et al) is almost always better than Cab Franc on its own.
    Its one thing to wine the Cab Franc war with the very yummy Ravines, but that is technically cheating! :)
    I’d love to do a Cab Franc tasting, if only to change my mind that it invites too many apologies and excuses on its way to being great wine. Can it ever be more interesting than great Merlot (with 25% Cab?)


    Jim: Are you offering to host this little tasting at PBW?
    Evan: It’s too bad that this wasn’t a 100% blind tasting…seems like it could have been given the format, no?

    Jim Silver

    I would certainly do the tasting here. Let’s make that happen.


    Great. Just need to find out when Evan is going to be in town.


    I love blind tastings-double blind-for their educational value.
    You were lucky to be among people willing to learn. I’ve been among both at blind tastings-I hate to say which are the ones that seem more unwilling to learn. I get flamed enough for my opinions. ;)

    Evan Dawson

    I try to count myself among those always willing to learn. We all have things to teach, and all have things to learn. Much moreso the latter, at least for me!


    I was particularly impressed by the fellow who started out negative and, rather than try with all his might to prove that he was right, and to refuse to admit it when he found out that he wasn’t, he opened his mind instead and obviously didn’t feel that anyone threatened his precious ego.
    I love it when that happens.

    Evan Dawson

    It was a wonderful group, Tom, and I think much of the credit goes to Kristin and Holly for running an outstanding tasting. They fostered an idea that great wine can come from anywhere, and both are exceedingly open to New York wines. I hope they’ll jump in here.


    I know Holly, and I know exactly what you mean. She also exudes energy.


    Thanks Evan for a great synopsis of our Cab Franc night. As you know, I really enjoyed the Ravines Meritage. I have been a Ravines fan from Day One as we both started our businesses the same year. I continued my Cab Franc mission this past week…I had the Paumonok 2004 Cab Franc and Shalestone 2007 Cab Franc. The Shalestone was too young still needed to blow off a little dust…I am going to grab a couple more bottles to put away. I thought the Paumonok had a little less of the vanilla that you detected in the Pellegrini 2004.

    Evan Dawson

    Many of the reviews I’ve read of Paumanok indicate exactly what you said — excellent winemaking that doesn’t cover up any of the fruit with oak. I’m excited to taste more of their wines. That said, the vanilla that came through in the Pellegrini wasn’t over-the-top; that’s a very enjoyable and well-made wine. I’d buy more of it.
    I’m always curious about Rob Thomas’ wines at Shalestone. Planning to visit his tasting room soon. Thanks for the insight, and thanks for your dedication to bringing a truly international and thoughtful selection of wines to your store.


    Kristin: There are some terrific cab francs down here and Paumanok is one of our best producers.
    If you’re looking to explore LI Franc a bit more, check out places like Shinn Estate, Wolffer Estate, Roanoke Vineyards, Macari Vineyards, Peconic Bay Winery…
    And of course Schneider…especially his 05s.


    Wait ’til you taste the Fox Run 2007 Cab Franc - no lie…totally awesome.

    Terrence O'Rourke

    The best way for towns,communities, mitigate rising fuel cost’s,and ensure less reliance on fossil fuels is:Invest in on-site renewable energy generation assets that can work in conjuction with their traditional sources of power.Come on people wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ryan Love

    I met you yesterday at Keuka Lake Vineyard, where we chatted about our shared affinity for the Ravines ’05 meritage. Especially after our conversation, I thoroughly enjoyed this blog post…great stuff. I’ll have to summon all my fortitude to keep my three bottles off the table and in the wine fridge.
    Thanks for putting me on to the blog.


    See, I knew you had impeccable taste! When you mentioned the Ravines ’05 Meritage I just about burst out laughing. Nice to find others who share my wine worldview!
    Welcome to the blog. It’s quite inclusive and we love to debate and discuss. We hope you’ll share your thoughts going forward. Cheers!

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