Finally! A Good Reason to Open Cab Franc Ice Wine

Posted June 28, 2012 by Evan Dawson in Regions

I’m probably being a bit unfair in the title of this post. After all, some of the region’s top producers make a cabernet franc ice wine. And on occasion, it’s nicely made, drinkable. The problem is that too often, it tastes like ballpark nachos. I suppose the science types among us might be able to explain why that is.

But even if it’s good, it’s hard to find a good occasion to open a bottle. How much can you drink?

Let’s pretend, for a moment, that you recently purchased a bottle on a wine trip at one of the lesser stops on the route. You’re not sure why you came home with it. You’re embarrassed and doubting yourself as a wine drinker.

Fret no more: During Finger Lakes Restaurant Week, my wife and I discovered the very best use of cab franc Ice Wine so far.

At Suzanne Fine Regional Cuisine on Seneca Lake, the staff has created a nice little summer aperitif. They use a dry sparkling wine — most any dry sparkling wine will do — and add a splash of cab franc Ice Wine. They add a raspberry, and there you are: a classy-looking drink that tastes pretty nice on a hot summer’s eve.

How much cab franc ice wine to use? It depends on how sweet you want your aperitif. If you have guests who dig sweet wines, pour liberally.

Now, even a half-bottle of cab franc ice wine is not going to be extinguished in this case unless you have a lot of guests. But there are many summer occasions in which you could open a bottle and use it over the course of a weekend; Independence Day weekend comes to mind.

Our thanks to the clever minds at Suzanne who created this combo wine. Good idea, well executed, and a seasonal drink that you don’t have to ponder.



    Do you know which Cab Franc Ice they used? We’ve long been fans of the one from Sheldrake Point.


    That sounds like a challenge, Evan. Why does some Cab Franc ice wine smell like ballpark nachos? I have no idea, but I’ll see what I can find.


      I’m guessing it’s good old MPs, and in fact I think I recall Tom Mansell either talking or writing about exactly that, but I’m not sure when. And if it is MPs, they manifest in funky fashion with CFIW.


    Glad you enjoyed it! We make it with Swedish Hill Blanc de Blanc and Goose Watch Cabernet Ice.

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