In Memorium: Christian Wolffer, Owner, Wolffer Estate

Posted January 1, 2009 by Lenn Thompson in News & Events

Some sad news has hit the Long Island wine community today in the form of a report that Christian Wolffer, entrepreneur and founder/owner of Wolffer Estate has died in a boating accident in Brazil.

I haven't heard any details beyond that yet, but this is obviously a terribly sad day for the Long Island wine community. As Charles Massoud, co-owner of Paumanok Vineyards (who emailed me about Wolffer's passing) said "Christian was one of our early wave wine producers who has committed himself to quality and excellence. And I think he has

accomplished what he set out to do, with Roman's and Richie's help. He will be missed."

As more information becomes available, I'll pass it along. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers go out to the extended Wolffer family.

Update: Jared over at Vine Views found some local news coverage in Portuguese and here is a (very) rough translation into English via Google




    Wow. Tragic news. Thoughts out to the Wolffer family. A sad loss for the LI wine industry.


    He was a man of great character with unbelievable drive and determination. I will be praying for his family as well.


    i didn’t know Christian Wolffer personally,but it was evident he had impeccable taste.his whole operation exuded ultimate class.i understand he was a true renaissance man and enjoyed life to its’ fullest..he will be missed by the wine community.
    barbara & charles smithen
    sherwood house vineyards


    I worked with Christian and the folks at Wolffer for over 4 years on various marketing efforts for the vineyard and the stables. Christian always impressed me as a shrewd, dedicated, and talented businessman. The Long Island wine community (and east end equestrian community) has lost a great voice. He will be missed.

    simon araujo

    from sydney Australia i just red this sad news from the site Globo ,where cristian was hit by a stupid boatwhile swimming in the most beautiful beach of Paraty ,and he could not be suvived by two actors whom wittnes this tragic accident. my thought goes to his family and friend.


    According to local media, Mr. Wolffer was probably hit by a speedboat in Paraty (seacoast of Rio de Janeiro state), though there’s no confirmation about this. On 12/31, around 1:30pm, two Brazilian actors (Fernanda Lima and Rodrigo Hilbert) saw Mr. Wolffer in the ocean, crying for help. Both tried to rescue him, but - unfortunately - Mr. Wolffer’s wounds were too severe (he had 2 deep cuts in the chest area). The local police is investigating whether any witness has seen a boat in the region. Also, further examination will point out the precise cause of death.
    I was in Paraty on that day. My prayers go to the family and friends of Mr. Wolffer.

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