Posts Tagged ‘bud break’

Baco Noir Bud Break at Benmarl Winery

Winemaker Matt Spacarelli sends this picture of baco noir bud break in Benmarl Winery’s 50-year old estate baco vineyard.


Merlot Bud Break at Shinn Estate Vineyards (April 6, 2012)

What was mere speculation and conjecture just a few weeks ago is now a reality on the North Fork. Shinn Estate Vineyards’ David Page sent me this photo this morning of bud break in their estate merlot vineyard, marking ...


Long Island Vineyards Could See Early Bud Break in 2012

The earliest anyone can remember seeing bud break in Long Island vineyards was mid-April in 2010 — a vintage that ended up being one of the longest and warmest on record. Bud break in 2010 was about two weeks earlier than...

The 2010 Growing Seasons Starts Early in New York

By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Photo courtesy of Whitecliff Vineyard & Winery Is this picture bud break? I'm not sure — I always think of bud break as when full, immature leaves separate from the bud and unfurl...


Pre-Bud Break at Peconic Bay Vineyards

Matt and Jen at Peconic Bay Winery sent me this picture this morning. It was taken last evening in their vineyard on Route 25 near the winery. These are vines that are so close to bud break it’s ridiculous. I’m alwa...