Posts Tagged ‘lenndevours’

Wine Library TV Meets the New York Cork Club

New York Wines are Taking Over The World! Overstated, sure. But the wines I am so passionate about are working their way around the Internet pretty nicely. On today’s episode of Wine Library TV everyone’s favorite C...

LENNDEVOURS and Wine Blogging Wednesday in the Baltimore Sun

Hey guess what? LENNDEVOURS and Wine Blogging Wednesday both got a little print publicity over the weekend in the Baltimore Sun. The article, which ran in the paper’s "Ideas" section, was written by Troy Mc...

WTN: Osprey’s Dominion 2002 Blush de Noir (North Fork of Long Island)

Osprey’s Dominion Vineyards reminds me a little bit of a winery like Beringer. One one hand, they make some sweet, entry-level wines that I assume are meant for the trailer park set. But, they also make some of my favorit...

WTN: Jamesport Vineyards 2004 Late Harvest Riesling (North Fork of Long Island)

Long Island, and the entire state of New York really, offers a surprising number of succulent, delicious dessert wines. In upstate New York, there is an endless array of ice and ice-style wines-some of which are frozen co...

A LENNDEVOURS Pork and Pinot Tasting

When it comes to food-friendly versatility, it’s hard to do any better than pinot noir. But, as you may have noticed, there aren’t many pinots made on Long Island and those that are out there tend to be extremely inconsiste...

A Letter to Lisa Granik (New York Times Op-Ed Contributor)

This letter is in response to Lisa Granik’s op-ed in the New York Times’ Sunday edition. Dear Ms. Granik, After reading your op-ed over the  weekend, I have two words for you: Thank you. That’s right, I&#...

A Menu for Hope III — December 11-22

For the past two years, members of the food and wine blogging community have raised money for various charities through a tremendous project called A Menu for Hope. The original event was conceived shortly after the Asian tsuna...

“DRINK LOCAL” T-Shirts Available

For quite a while now, I’ve been trying to find some interesting-without-being-lame wine-related t-shirts…with very little luck. Then I tried to find some locally focused ones…with even less luck. So, I decide...