Posts Tagged ‘organic’
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Long Island Sustainable Winegrowing (LISW) Announces Formation and Sustainable Vineyard Certification

Most wineries on the East End of Long Island like to talk about being “sustainable” in their vineyard practices and winemaking. There’s discussion about windmills and compost piles and this spray or that appli...

March in canvas Magazine: Paul Dlugokencky, Blind Bat Brewery

The March 2008 issue of canvas has been published, including my 250-word profile of Paul Dlugokencky, owner/brewer at Blind Bat Brewery in Centerport, NY. As you’ll see in the profile, Paul will be opening (once he gets h...

Bourbon Red Heritage Turkeys from Garden of Eve Organic Farm

I’ve just finished ordering my Bourbon Red turkey from Garden of Eve Organic Farm for this year’s Thanksgiving dinner. As you can read on their website, they are raising 200 of this heritage breed. They are slow gro...