Posts Tagged ‘wine blogging wednesday’

WBW #36: Getting Naked On Both Coasts

Three years seems like a lifetime in many ways. Three years ago Nena and I were engaged, not married like we are now. Jackson wasn’t even a consideration. We were renting a house instead of paying a mortgage. And, three y...


Wine Blogging Wednesday #36: Let’s Get Naked

Now that I have your attention, let’s get down to business. Next month, on August 8 to be exact, we’ll be celebrating the three-year anniversary of Wine Blogging Wednesday. Actually, in the early days, it was called...

WBW #35 Roundup Posted

The roundup for WBW #35: Passionate Spain has been posted over at My Wine Education. It looks like we had just over 40 participants, many of whom reviewed multiple wines. As Michelle mentions in the roundup, I’ll be hosti...

WBW #35: Do Zoe 2006 Albarino (Rias Baixas)

It’s become increasingly hard for me to find wines under $10 that I enjoy…even as "summer sippers" on a hot day. With that in mind, I was thrilled when  Michelle suggested that her edition of Wine Blo...

Don’t Forget…Today is Wine Blogging Wednesday

Don’t forget…today is the 35th vintage of Wine Blogging Wednesday. This time ’round, we’re doing Spanish Wines under $10. Check back later for the LENNDEVOURS entry. We’ll be tasting it tonight.

Wine Blogging Wednesday Goes German

I got a very cool email over the weekend that Wine Blogging Wednesday is going German. Thomas from WinzerBlog tells me that it’s going to start this week under the name Weinrallye with about 10 entries expected. They also...

Wine Blogging Wednesday #35 Announced: Passionate Spain

So a few people have complained about the last few themes for Wine Blogging Wednesday. First you moaned about having to drink box wines. Then you said that wines from the Midi were too hard to find. And finally, you complained ...

WBW #34: Washington Cabernet Sauvignon: Ex Libris 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon

It’s Wednesday and I’m drinking wine virtually chosen by another person, so it must be Wine Blogging Wednesday, this time hosted by Catie from the Through the Walla Walla Grape Vine blog. The theme, fittingly enough...

WBW #34 Announced: Washington Cabernet

Washington wines…we’ve all ready about them in books, magazines and blogs, but have we really taken a hard look at them? I know that I haven’t, though I’ve had some terrific ones over the years. The 34th...

WBW #33: Château de la Casenove 2004 Masia M

Wines like this one are what make Wine Blogging Wednesday so great. You see, my knowledge of French wine is mediocre at best and my knowledge of wines from the Midi is even more limited. Actually, I know next to nothing other t...