Who are my daily blog reads?

Posted October 2, 2006 by Lenn Thompson in News & Events

People ask me all the time what other wine and food blogs I read. The short answer is "too many"…there’s just so much interesting content out there for any wine lover or foodie.

But, with life as hectic as it is these days, I’ve had to pare down my daily reads — the blogs that I read every single day. So, I thought I’d share this list with you. Maybe you already read them. Maybe you don’t. If it’s the latter, check them out. They are well worth the few minutes of reading.

So, in no particular order, I give you my daily reads:

Obsession With Food.
Derrick’s blog is one of the first culinary blogs I discovered years ago when LENNDEVOURS was just a post or two. And, over the years I’ve been lucky enough to dine with Derrick and his wife Melissa a couple times and take them to a few spots in Long Island wine country. Frankly, I’m not sure that "obsession" does the guy justice. His passion for ingredients and German wines is inspiring.

Tom’s blog is another favorite because, as someone inside the wine industry, Tom provides insight and information that few other bloggers can match. Even though he’s a PR guy, he doesn’t get caught up in bs or propaganda. He says it like it is…ften with stats to back up his notions.

Basic Juice.

You want un-snobby and irreverent? Beau is your man. Even though he’s stuck in Utah, he scours the globe (and wine shops) for good deals, interesting varietals and unique wine experiences. He’s also a true innovator when it comes to blog marketing ideas and figuring out how to make "this whole blog thing" something more than it already is.

I challenge anyone who meets, drinks or dines with Fatemeh and C not to want to do it again (and again).  Passion and unabashed honesty the hallmarks of this Bay Area blog. Plus, she likes Long Island wine and joined a couple wine clubs when she was here. How can I not like these people?


Unfortunately, my company firewall blogs Alder’s blog nowadays so I can’t check it on my lunch break. But, through my feed reader, I can keep on top of the blogosphere’s best, and most well regarded, wine blog. You’ve never read wine reviews like his…anywhere.

The Wine Chicks.
The chicks have changed a little (one left, one joined) but this is always a fun read. The head chickadee is a Long Island native who has an amazing nose/palate. Taste with her if you ever get the chance. You’ll learn something.

Big-time BBQ in Brooklyn? Yes. Robert’s has coached me through my first rack of ribs and my first over-night smoked pork butt. This guy knows his cue.

Other blogs that I read almost every day:

There are dozens more that I check at least once a week…maybe I’ll put those together in a post as well. Or, I could just update my blog links on the site…hmmm….



    You should add Chubby Hubby to your list … some great posts and always amazing pictures of food. For example: http://www.chubbyhubby.net/2006/09/rediscovering-indian-food_29.html


    You are so awesome.
    We love eating and drinking with you guys, too!


    Do yourself a favour: use an RSS reader such as Bloglines that allows you to publish (a subset of) your daily feeds as your blogroll. That’s the only way that I keep the blogrolls on all three of my blogs up to date with my actual reading habits.

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