Posts Written OnJuly 02, 2009

Blind Tasting of Finger Lakes Pinot Noir Reveals Progress, Challenges

By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Editor Photos by Morgan Dawson Photography On Wednesday night, on a rain-soaked evening on the southeast side of Seneca Lake, a group of grape growers and winemakers met to taste through a line of 2007 pinot noirs. Many of the wines were made in the Finger Lakes; a few came from the American West Coast, and some from Burgundy. Tom Higgins, winemaker and owner of Heart & Hands Wine Company, organized the event because he wanted to know: Where does pinot noir stand in the Finger Lakes? Is it truly a recalcitrant mystery, yielding near-constant…

Evan Dawson Becomes LENNDEVOURS’ Finger Lakes Editor

By Lenn Thompson, Founder and Editor-in-Chief Long-time readers of this blog will remember the days when there was one lone voice represented here — mine. When this blog was founded over 5 years ago, that was the intent, the goal really — somewhere for me to share my passion for wine, particularly New York wine. What once was a solo performance has become a bit of a chorus with new voices bringing texture and layers to my coverage of New York wines. LENNDEVOURS has evolved and grown to become the premier source for real, unbiased news, commentary and reviews of…

Q&A: Josh Wig, General Manager, Lamoreaux Landing Wine Cellars

Today's Q&A subject (standing), harvesting cabernet franc This is a Q&A that I've been looking forward to doing for several months now. Why? Well, it's kind of a funny story really. I've been writing about Finger Lakes wines for a few years now, but until maybe a year or so ago, I didn't really know very many of the players. A few winemakers here. A few winery owners there. Maybe some marketing folks. But one day, I was looking on Lamoreaux Landing's website for some information about them and I noticed "Josh Wig - General Manager" and thought to myself…

Coming Later Today: Finger Lakes Pinot Tasting

By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Editor Last night a group of Finger Lakes winemakers brought their own 2007 pinots together to find out how the vintage is showing. Organized by Tom Higgins of Heart & Hands Wine Company and hosted by the Stonecat Cafe on Seneca Lake, the Finger Lakes wines were tasted blind with other Pinots from Burgundy, California and Oregon. It was an enlightening experience and a full story is coming later today.