By Kevin Burns, Beer Columnist

Saranac_octoberfest The leaves are changing and the weather is getting cooler. While these signs mark the arrival of fall to many people, I know it is Fall when Oktoberfest and Pumpkin Ales start to show up on the shelves of beer stores.  

This week's beer review is fo Saranac Octoberfest Lager from the F.X. Matt Brewing Company.  

Saranac's Octoberfest poured a dark copper color with a two-finger width of white head. The nose is pleasant, and well balanced with malt up front and distinct hop aromas underneath. There is a faint trace of spices as well. 

The body has a smooth malt flavor with crisp hops underneath, and a spicy characteristic. The finish was pleasant, with mild hops and a mild bitterness.  There was some lacing left on the glass.

Overall, this is a really good beer. It is fairly complex for the style but blends well together and very well balanced. The finish is nice, and there is a distinctic difference from the body which was nice.  This is a great seasonal beer that is perfect for a typical Fall day. 

This beer would pair very well with a rich, smooth soup.  Any type of potato soup would match nicely texture wise, with a sweet potato soup being ideal to match flavor wise.   

Producer: F.X. Matt Brewing Company
ABV: 5.4%
Price: $1.75 (12 oz. Bottle)
Rating:  (4 out of 5 | Delicious, Distinctive )