WbwBy Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief

This holiday season, Wine Blogging Wednesday will be celebrating its 64th edition with a holiday theme brought to use by Jeff Stai, owner of Twisted Oak Winery and blogger over at El Bloggo Torcido.

Doing a holiday theme is a no-brainer this time of year, but anyone who knows Jeff won't be surprised to hear that he wants to do things a little differently than you might expect:

"Pick any winter holiday or observance EXCEPT Hanukkah, Christmas Day,
Kwanzaa, or New Years Day or Eve, and choose a wine to celebrate it! For purposes
of this WBW, the holiday date chosen must be between December 7, 2009 and January 7, 2010. You may also pair a food with your chosen holiday and wine, but that is optional.

You can pick a special observance that already has meaning to you, or with a little AbleGraping (or Googling or Binging) you should be able to discover some other fun winter holidays to celebrate!

The date? Wine Blogging Wednesday #64 is on December 23rd, 2009 - so please send me a link to your blog post by then. Have fun! - El Jefe"

So go out there and find a somewhat (or completely) obscure holiday and pair a wine with it.

This should be a fun one. Get the full details on El Jefe's blog.