Tom Mansell is a PhD candidate in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Cornell University, studying protein folding in E. coli

In the spring of 2008, he took a wine chemistry course and has never looked at wine the same way since. He has taken several courses in the Viticulture and Enology program at Cornell and is currently enrolled in a course in Viticulture and Vineyard Management. 

His blog, Ithacork, focuses on Finger Lakes wines with an emphasis on the science and technology of wine production, and gets technical enough for any wine geek.

His role at the New York Cork Report is to bring a scientist’s skepticism and insight into the complicated and convoluted world of winegrowing and winemaking in New York state.

He lives in Ithaca, NY, with his fiancee Sarah and two degus, Machu and Picchu.

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