Posts Written OnJune 20, 2012

Palmer Vineyards 2011 Aromatico

Miguel Martin, Spanish-born winemaker at Palmer Vineyards, flies under the radar. Instead of grabbing headlines or a lot of attention, he simply works hard in the vineyard and cellar to not only produce impressives wines from the grapes you’d expect on the North Fork — grapes like cabernet franc, sauvignon blanc and pinot blanc — but also from those you might not expect, like New York’s first Albarino, which he introduced last spring. With Palmer Vineyards 2011 Aromatico ($25 per 500-ml bottle), Miguel adds to the unexpected end of roster. A blend of 72% muscat canelli and 28% malvasia, you…

Fork Finds: Blueberry Cream Pie from Briermere Farms, Riverhead, NY

My husband is a pretty low energy guy. Mets baseball (even when they stink), air conditioning, and sleeping later than 7 a.m. are pretty much all he needs in a weekend. He’s not loud or hyper or excitable about most things. So when you spy the pair of us in late June do-si-doing around a gravel covered parking lot, high fiving and screeching like six year olds on a roller coaster, you have to know the inspiration for our behavior must be pretty damn special. We didn’t hit the Mega Millions. It’s something better. I present to you: The Blueberry Cream Pie from Briermere Farms…

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Second Annual Lamb Roast at Paumanok Vineyards with ilili, July 3

Charles and Ursula, owners of Paumanok Vineyards are excited to partner with Philippe Massoud, Executive Chef and Proprietor of ilili (and Charles’ nephew), to host the Second Annual Lamb Roast event at Paumanok on July 3 at 7 .m. Philippe and Chef de Cuisine Erik Osol and their team will prepare a family-style (shared platters), sit-down dinner. The tentative menu is listed below. Of course, it will all be accompanied by Paumanok wines. Assorted Lebanese Mezza Home Made Yogurt Cheese Salad with Heirloom Tomatoes and Seasonal Onions Foster Farm, Purslane and Lebanese Thyme Salad, Lebanese Green Olives Grilled Okra Salad Roasted Whole Lamb Lamb Stuffed…