Posts Written OnFebruary 25, 2013

What We Drank (February 26, 2013)

  “What We Drank” makes its triumphant comeback this week with a typically diverse set of libations from many corners of the adult beverage world. Evan even found a chardonnay that he likes — quite a bit, in fact. Lenn Thompson: Keuka Spring Vineyards 2006 Lemberger, New York We’ve been in the new house for about a week now. I’m not going to lie and say that moving — particularly with two young kids — isn’t stressful and exhausting. It is. But it did result in at least one un-expected pleasure: uncovering a portion of my wine cellar that had…

Casa Larga Vineyards NV Pinot Noir

When I first smelled this pinot, with its aromas of cherry candy and cough syrup and peppery, almost-Moroccan spice I thought there might be some non-pinot in there. Maybe even a hybrid like De Chaunac or Noiret. But according to former Casa Larga winemaker Mark Patterson “It was 100% pinot noir from the Turk Hill Road Vineyard. This site always produces a bit of a peppery/spicy character that some people believe is from something else, but it’s not. No one ever believes me when I tell them, but I made the wine, and made the blend, so I know what…

Starting Anew at the New York Cork Report

Things have been a bit quiet here on the site. I know it. The whole team knows it, actually. It’d be easy to blame it on the babies (four in the the past 15 months) that have joined various staff members’ families. Or maybe on my recent move to a new NYCR world headquarters. Moving stinks. Moving with two young children is exponentially worse. But reasons or excuses don’t matter at this point. Today is the first day of the rest of this website’s life. The entire team is committed ready to dive back into the site with gusto. We’re bringing back…