Posts Written OnSeptember 10, 2013

Eveningside Vineyards: Created Out of Passion, Driven by a Lifestyle

Passion. Love. Family. Friends. Lifestyle. These five elements drive the wine philosophy of Eveningside Vineyards in Cambria, New York. Run by Randy Biehl and his wife, Karen, Eveningside Vineyards was founded in the Niagara Region in 2000. This simple philosophy governs how the Biehls approach wine making — and their lives — and it’s one that has enabled the Biehls to own and operate one of the most successful wineries in the Niagara Region for over a decade. In their thirties, Randy and Karen got “the wine bug,” as Randy describes it. They were living in “suburbia” in West Seneca,…

Harvest 2013: Chardonnay for Sparkling Wine at Paumanok Vineyards

Yesterday, ahead of this morning’s rain showers, the folks at Paumanok Vineyards harvested chardonnay that will become their 2013 sparkling wine. Most people don’t know that Paumanok makes sparkling wine — mostly because winemaker Kareem Massoud only started his sparkling program with the 2009 vintage. That wine will be debuted at the winery’s 30th anniversary party later this month.