
Harvest is upon us, and while the North Country vineyards and wineries prepare for the rigors of the season, they are also getting ready for a celebration once most of the field and winery work is done. On Saturday October 12th from 1PM to 8PM the Crete Civic Center in Plattsburgh, NY will be hosting the second annual Adirondack Coast Wine, Cider & Food Festival which has already grown since last year, in the number of vendors and events, as well as the hours of operation.

Most of the Adirondack Coast producers, as well as at least one ice cider producer from Vermont’s Champlain Islands, a couple from the Finger lakes, another winery from the Thousand Islands,and at least one Ice Cider producer from Vermont’s Champlain Islands, will be serving up their libations for both tasting and sale. There will be a number of local craftspeople and artisans also showing their wares. This year, they’ve also added a “Race To Taste” cooking contest for north country culinary program students to compete in, focusing on the use of locally grown meats and produce.

I saw festival organizer and owner of Elf’s farm Winery & Cider Mill, Tom Frey a couple of weeks ago, and he was bursting with enthusiasm, and a pile of posters for the event. We met up at an initial organizational meeting of the Champlain Valley Wine Trail, and while there certainly was excitement about the potential an international touring route could offer, it was clear that he was really focused on the short term event planning, and building upon the good times and great turnout that was realized last year when I attended and unexpectedly participated in the festival. Frey realizes that the Adirondack Coast is just a tiny baby wine region, but also recognizes that successful gatherings like this one, slowly help to build recognition, as well as build community.

If it is anything like last year, there will be people coming from all points, and the tickets will sell out at the door for $30. Right now, advance tickets can be purchased for $25 at Elf’s Farm, at the Champlain Wine Company in downtown Plattsburgh, or they can also be purchased online.