MACARI_Winery_of_the_yearRegardless of what anyone thinks about wine competitions — how they are run, how the results are used to sell wine, etc. — when a deserving group of people are recognized for their work, it’s worth noting.

Macari Vineyards being named “Winery of the Year” at the 2014 New York Wine & Food Classic yesterday is newsworthy because the Macari family, and the family-run culture they’ve cultivated at their winery, is worthy of even more attention than it already gets.

“Family-run” gets thrown around a lot in the wine world. I guess it’s meant to to indicate a level of artisanal, hands on-ness. Often it’s hollow marketing and little else. Not at Macari. Joe and Alexandra Macari run the winery. Their son Joey is one of the vineyard managers. Their daughter Gabriella works in sales, marketing and social media. Even the non-Macari members of the team — like winemaker Kelly Urbanik — feel like they are part of the family.

I’ve long admired that the Macari family can nurture that feeling at a (for Long Island) larger winery.

In addition to being named Winery of the Year, which is based on the number and level of medals awarded compared to the number of wines entered, the winery was recognized for its 2010 Cabernet Franc — which won “Best Red Wine.” I have yet to taste it (the winery is still selling the 2008) but I’m hoping I can get my hands on some soon.

Congratulations, Macari Vineyards!