Assistant Vineyard Manager Donna Rudolph working in the vineyard (Photo via Bedell Cellars’ Facebook)

The Leader - 3/24/2015
Senator Schumer believes that the long cold winter may again justify federal aid for NY wine producers.

Albany Times Union - 3/24/2015
Republican State Senetor Phil Boyle from Long Island signs on to bill to keep State Liquor Authority from enforcing the adult beverage laws of other states.

Dan’s Papers - 3/24/2015
The Damianos Family sells 87 acres on Long Island and will continue to work vineyards until new owners are ready to establish their own wine farm.

Auburn Citizen - 3/25/2015
Two brand new books published on the past history and present attractions of the Finger Lakes wine scene.

Lead South Australia - 3/25/2015
Australian research into bacterial populations in wine grapes studies North Fork Merlot in comparison with Bordeaux and California.

Cornell Chronicle - 3/26/2015
Cornell grad student Lindsay Springer wins food science prize for work on identifying grape proteins that effectively bind up tannins.

The Leader - 3/27/2015
New York wine contingent shows its stuff at the enormous Prowein expo in Germany, the world’s largest vino trade show.

Auburn Citizen - 3/28/2015
Cayuga Lake Wine Trail reports from the field on how grapes have fared over the winter season.