The July 2015 wines for the New York Cork Club will ship in a week or so, so I wanted to tell you a bit about them. (If you missed our announcement about the rebirth of New York Cork Club, check it out here.)

For July, I’ve chosen two white wines that are as versatile as they are fresh and delicious:

Palmer Vineyards 2014 Albarino ($23) — This is a wine that I’ve wanted to include for a couple years now — and now that winemaker Miguel Martin has bottled it in 750 ml bottles, we can! Citrusy and floral, I think this is Miguel’s best albarino to date. A perfect summer sipper and partner for local seafood.

Barry Family Wines 2014 Pastiche ($23) — A rich-but-lively co-fermented blend of pinot gris, gewurztraminer and riesling, this wine is a textural beauty that features flavors of pear, citrus, spice and flowers. Only 25 cases were made, so this is a nano-production wine.

I know you’ll enjoy them — but only if you get them. Sign up today…

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