Posts Tagged“cork club”

New York Cork Club February 2016 Selections

Without writing a long essay about what it actually costs to grow grapes and eventually make a bottle of wine that can be sold – many of the things that go into wine are very expensive, and in New York, they are even more expensive on Long Island. Land and labor are the big ones. Why do I bring this up? Well, this month’s selections are both from Long Island, a rarity given the constraints (<$50 plus shipping for two bottles) of this club. It may never happen again, but considering that I live just a short drive from Long…

New York Cork Club: August 2015 Selections

The August 2015 wines for the New York Cork Club will ship once the weather cools a bit (the July wines will ship soon too I hope). In the meantime, I wanted to tell you a bit about them. (If you missed our announcement about the rebirth of New York Cork Club, check it out here.) For August, we’ll return to the “one red and one white” club shipment — with one classic grape from a well-known winery and one lesser-known grape from an under-appreciated winery included: Keuka Lake Vineyards 2014 Gently Dry Vignoles — Some look down on vignoles because it’s a hybrid grape…

New York Cork Club: March Selections

The wines for the New York Cork Club's March 2009 shipment left Greene Grape today, so I wanted to tell you a bit about them. I always have a lot of fun when I pick the wines that we send out to our members, but this month's selections are two that I'm particularly happy that we were able to get for the club. I wouldn't call them hard to find per se, but you have to go to the winery to get them when we did. First is a wine from Anthony Road Wine Company, their 2007 Martini-Rienhardt Selection Riesling…

Last-Minute Gift Idea: The New York Cork Club

Looking for a great last-minute Christmas gift? How about the New York Cork Club? I don’t mention the club very often here on LENNDEVOURS (I don’t want to clutter this blog up with sales pitches) but it’s something that I always enjoy picking the wines for. Basically, members receive two bottles of New York wines every month, delivered to their door. These aren’t wines that are in any way affiliated with the club, Greene Grape Wine (my partner in this venture) or me. These aren’t end-of-vintage wines that wineries are trying to unload. They aren’t mediocre bottles that no one…

New York Cork Club: August Selections

As you know, I’m a little behind on several LENNDEVOURS-related projects (I have about half of the WBW #36 roundup done). But I wanted to quickly post about the wines I picked for the August shipment of the New York Cork Club, which is like a mini-trip to Alsace without leaving your house. Because I love Finger Lakes riesling so much, I find it difficult to not pick one every month. I could do so easily…there are that many great ones available. Instead, I’ve been looking for a New York-born Gewürztraminer that  you’ll love. I’ve tasted a lot of them,…