Posts Tagged“dr. konstantin frank”

WTNs: Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars Current Releases (Finger Lakes)

Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars is one of New York’s most well-known wineries, and with good reason. In addition to being a truly pioneering producer, they craft some of the Finger Lakes region’s best wines-particularly their whites. Last weekend, I tasted through their current whites, dry rose, and sparklers. So, in quick-fire style, here are some notes on them: Dr. Konstantin Frank 2006 Dry Rose ($18) A medium, orange-tinged pink, the nose is extremely faint and austere with just a little red berry aroma. Medium bodied and with a terrific mouth feel, and crisp finish, this wine is marred…

May Selections: The New York Cork Club

It’s May…spring has finally come to Long Island and that means warmer weather, the beginnings of local produce and-for me anyway-a turn to crisp, fresh white wines. This month’s selections for the New York Cork Club fit the bill nicely. I’ve written about Dr. Konstantin Frank’s 2006 Rkatsiteli already, but I chose it for this month for a variety of reasons. One, it’s very unique-you just don’t see many rkats out there. Two, it’s versatile-think of it as a blend of riesling, gewurztraminer and sauvignon blanc-and will pair with a wide range of food, including Thai and Indian cuisine. And…

The Straight Answer on Salmon Run Wines from Fred Frank, President, Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars

My post last week about American Airlines deciding to pour a couple New York wines on cross-country flights stirred up quite a discussion in the comments. The question was: we the Dr. Konstantin Frank wine included really a New York wine? I decided to go right to the source, sending an email to Frederick Frank, president of Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars. I asked him flat out about the origins of the grapes that go into the Salmon Run line of wines. Here’s his response and although he didn’t address the riesling’s orgins directly, I think we can read…

American Airlines to Serve New York Wines

If you’re flying from New York to the west coast-say to San Francisco, Los Angeles or Seattle-you’ll now be able to enjoy some New York wine during the flight. Assuming you fly American Airlines that is. I haven’t been able to dig up specific vintages yet, but they’ll be serving a merlot from Bedell Cellars here on Long Island and also a riesling from Salmon Run, which is Dr. Konstantin Frank’s second label. This is a very cool development and I’m glad to see that they chose well-regarded producers. There are a lot of wineries in NY with better PR/marketing,…