Posts Tagged“evan dawson”

From the Archives: Finger Lakes Growers Begin to Check for Damage to Vines Following Brutal Cold Snap

Editor’s Note: On Thursdays — call them Throwback Thursday if you’d like — we’ll pull a story from the more than a decade of NYCR stories and republish it. This week’s jolt of frigid temperatures across New York — particularly in upstate New York — has those of us who care about and follow the wine and cider industries here worried about what damage was done. So, I thought posting this piece from January 2014 seeme appropriate. On Saturday, Steve Shaw of Shaw Vineyard spent about an hour carefully cutting buds from canes he pulled from his vineyard. It had been several days…

From the Archives: Restaurant Turns Up Rare Bottle of 1966 Dr. Frank Riesling

Editor’s Note: Every Thursday — call it Throwback Thursday if you’d like — we’ll pull a story from the more than a decade of NYCR stories and republish it. This week, I’ve pulled a story written by Evan Dawson that focused on a bottle of Dr. Konstantin Frank 1966 Johannisberg Riesling that we were lucky enough to taste before our 2009 Wines of the Year tasting. I could barely believe the photograph, sent from a friend. The bottle in the picture said Dr. Konstantin Frank 1966 Johannisberg Riesling, but it did not make sense that a restaurant was selling such a bottle…

Cabernet Franc: What We Learned From 656 Glasses of Wine

By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Editor Photos by Morgan Dawson When the demonstration room at the New York Wine & Culinary Center filled up at 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning, 328 glasses of cabernet franc lit up the amphitheater like strands of single-color Christmas lights. It was a bit daunting for the 42 winemakers, winegrowers, industry professionals, newspaper writers, retailers and bloggers. And that was just the first flight. When the event (get some back story) finally ended three hours later we had tasted through 13 Finger Lakes 2007 cabernet francs, 3 Loire Valley cabernet francs, one Long Island cabernet franc,…

Evan Dawson Becomes LENNDEVOURS’ Finger Lakes Editor

By Lenn Thompson, Founder and Editor-in-Chief Long-time readers of this blog will remember the days when there was one lone voice represented here — mine. When this blog was founded over 5 years ago, that was the intent, the goal really — somewhere for me to share my passion for wine, particularly New York wine. What once was a solo performance has become a bit of a chorus with new voices bringing texture and layers to my coverage of New York wines. LENNDEVOURS has evolved and grown to become the premier source for real, unbiased news, commentary and reviews of…

Red, With Envy: Assessing 2007 Finger Lakes Reds

Evan Dawson, our intrepid Finger Lakes wine guy, working the bottling line at Fox Run Winery By Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes CorrespondentPhoto by Peter Bell Men — married men, especially — are all too familiar with the unforeseen blunder, the deleterious effects, of saying something like this: "Honey, you look really nice today!" What begins as a compliment is quickly met with, "And what do I look like most days?" This is essentially the problem facing Finger Lakes wineries regarding the 2007 reds. The palpable excitement is met with caution, especially from business owners and marketers. Many would love to…

Evan Dawson Joins the LENNDEVOURS Team

Every day I realize how lucky I am to have had so much fun and success with this blog. What started simply as a way for me to chronicle my adventures in Long Island wine country has grown into something more than I could have ever imagined. The fact that anyone else would want to write for me has always surprised me, but I think my fellow contributors have been a great and vital asset to LENNDEVOURS in its growth and development. Today, we welcome another writer into the fold, Evan Dawson. Evan, who is writing a book about the…

Evan Dawson, Finger Lakes Contributor

Evan Dawson, who is is writing a book about the winemakers of the Finger Lakes, first became interested in Finger Lakes wine on his first trip to the region with his wife-to-be Morgan, whom he met as a student at Ohio University. Morgan is a Penn Yan native; Evan was born in Cleveland but has family in Jamestown, Chautauqua and Buffalo, so the region has always felt like home. He’ll be writing about a variety of things on LENNDEVOURS, including insights from and stories about the people behind the wines. He’ll also cover news items on occasion, which is what…