Posts Tagged“fracking”

Weekly New York Wine News — July 6, 2015

A big win for the NY wine environment and continuing concern for international trade. A nod to Dr. Frank, a farewell to a NY dedicated establishment, and a quick sip of old style cider. NEWS Genesee County Express - 6/30/2015 Some thoughts on an un-COOL labeling law that may cost NY and US wine producers dearly in the Canadian market. Wine Spectator - 6/30/2015 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation officially bans Fracking and Finger Lakes winemakers breathe a sigh of relief. Daily Pilot - 7/2/2015 Annual Independence Day domestic wine party picks the best representative from each state, and special…

Fracking is Not Coming to the Finger Lakes. Here’s Why.

Hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, is not coming to the Finger Lakes. The process to extract natural gas from shale formations deep below the surface of the earth is almost certainly a dead idea in a large part of New York State. The reason is a concept known as “home rule.” A few weeks ago, the state’s highest court upheld the rights of towns and municipalities to pass their own localized fracking ban or moratorium. The decision is a bit more complicated than that, but it essentially is an endorsement of home rule as a legal concept. Towns that pass…

Fracking Debate: Energy CEO Admits PR Mistakes, But Opponents Still Suspicious

Is Chris Faulkner, the CEO of Breitling Oil & Gas, the perfect messenger for fracking’s future — or the most frightening man in the industry? It depends on your perspective. Joyce Hunt, co-owner of Hunt Country Vineyards on Keuka Lake, considers Faulkner the latter. “He’s so slick, a lot of people will probably believe what he says,” Hunt told me. “That’s what’s so frightening.” Hydrofracking has never had a spokesman as effective as Faulkner. He’s become known as the energy CEO who will go after his own industry for failling to communicate effectively with the public. Faulkner, in previous interviews,…

Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing in the Finger Lakes (By John Ingle, Heron Hill Winery)

By John Ingle, Heron Hill Winery As a winery owner and grape grower for over 35 years in the Finger Lakes Region, I have witnessed the growth of our industry from a dozen wineries in the ‘70s to over 100 now. I have also seen the significant increase in tourism in the Finger Lakes. This growth represents a focused and diligent effort to create two of the most viable profit centers, wineries and tourism, in the New York economy. For years, families and friends have united here over the lakes, the land, and the wine – to see it all…