Posts Tagged“italian”

Wine on Tap: Local Restaurant, Wineries Go Beyond Bag-in-Box

Verace, a newly opened Italian restaurant in Islip, NY with three local wines on tap. By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Photos courtesy of Verace  I think we've all been there — in a restaurant that may or may not pay much attention to its wine list and may or may not pay even less attention to their by-the-glass selection — more or less offering whatever is already open, and over-charging you for it. You order a glass anyway, knowing that you're playing by-the-glass roulette. Before you even take a sip, you can pinpoint how long the bottle has been open —…

Some Comments on Ruvo Restaurant (Port Jefferson, NY)

Because my parents were in town last weekend, Nena and I were able to sneak out of the house, sans Jackson, and have dinner together for the first time in a while. It doesn’t happen much these days, so we try to take full advantage when it can happen. After calling one of our favorite places, The Kitchen - A Bistro in St. James, only to find out that they aren’t open on Sunday evenings, we settled on a new-to-us place in Port Jefferson, Ruvo. We’ve had friends tell us good things, so we figured we’d give it a shot.…

Restaurant Review: Cittanuova (East Hampton)

I’ve never been to Milan (or anywhere in Italy for that matter) but sitting at a small table in Cittanuova in East Hampton, Nena and I got a small taste of one of Italy’s most chic and modern cities — along with some terrific, affordable fare. First, let me just mention that Cittanuova is an extremely versatile restaurant. Versatility isn’t a trait that many restaurateurs shoot for, but it’s on full display here. Looking for a bar with energy? Cittanuova has that. Want to eat outside? Cittanuova has two outdoor dining areas. Want to stop somewhere for coffee? Cittanuova is…