Posts Tagged“leo family”

Leo Family Wines 2007 Red

When someone asked me recently if I’d ever tasted Leo Family Wines 2007 Red ($40), I scoured this site for my review… and couldn’t find one. Anywhere. The answer is yes — I’ve had this wine numerous times, the first being a BYOB dinner I organized for a group of industry friends years ago, well before the wine was released (or even labeled). But, I’m not always as organized as I’d like to think, and apparently I never actually published a review. Black and blue fruits dominate the nose with notes of violets, graphite, cured meat and savory herbs. Ripe…

This Thursday: “Partners in Living Local” Winemaker’s Dinner at The American Hotel

John Leo, winemaker for Clovis Point, has created a wine dinner series “Partners in Living Local” — all hosted at the American Hotel in Sag Harbor and all celebrating one type of partnership or another in wine country. From the series announcement:   [quote] The American Hotel in Sag Harbor presents local collaborative wine projects in a series of four course dinners celebrating some new landmarks on the East End wine scene. When you live in a place of timeless treasures it’s sometimes easy to overlook the subtle changes growing out of the familiar scenery. It is with this expectation we invite…