Posts Tagged“new york wine club”

New York Cork Club: The Best New York Wine Delivered to Your Door

If you read this blog, you’re obviously interested in New York wine. But, depending on where you live, you may not have ready access to very much of it. If that’s you, we’ve got the solution. We’ve partnered with The Cellar d’Or — a great wine and cider shop in Ithaca, NY — for the New York Cork Club. Every month, I pick two great New York wines and they are delivered to your door. The wine itself never exceeds $50 for those two bottles (shipping costs vary) and by joining, you’ll get everything from classic wines from the top wineries in…

New York Cork Club: September 2015 Selections

The September 2015 wines for the New York Cork Club will ship soon — thank goodness that the hot weather has started to subside. It’s shipping season! (If you missed our announcement about the rebirth of New York Cork Club, check it out here.) As we head into harvest season this fall, a lot of us start to drink a bit more red wine — but not heavy, oak-laden ones. With that in mind, we’re doing two reds this month, but both are bright and decided not oaky. Just what we like as the last of the summer’s tomatoes move through our…

New York Cork Club: August 2015 Selections

The August 2015 wines for the New York Cork Club will ship once the weather cools a bit (the July wines will ship soon too I hope). In the meantime, I wanted to tell you a bit about them. (If you missed our announcement about the rebirth of New York Cork Club, check it out here.) For August, we’ll return to the “one red and one white” club shipment — with one classic grape from a well-known winery and one lesser-known grape from an under-appreciated winery included: Keuka Lake Vineyards 2014 Gently Dry Vignoles — Some look down on vignoles because it’s a hybrid grape…

Empire State Cellars Wine Club: March 2013 Selections

The March shipment of the Empire State Cellars Wine Club will be shipping in a week or so — meaning that it’s time to announce my selections. If you’re not familiar with the club, you can learn more here. “Hello New York” Wines Sheldrake Point 2011 Dry Riesling: Lithe and lively, this was a favorite when I tasted with winemaker Dave Breeden last summer. Apple and apple blossom flavors are accented by a squirt of lime and a snappy finish. Roasted pork loin wants this wine. So do you. Macari Vineyards 2008 Estate Merlot: With aromas of red cherry, cured meat, sweet herbs and…

Empire State Cellars Wine Club: January 2013 Selections

The January shipment of the Empire State Cellars Wine Club won’t ship for a few weeks, but — as always — I’m excited to share the selections with you. If you’re not familiar with the club, you can learn more here. “Hello New York” Wines Macari Vineyards 2012 “Early Wine” Chardonnay: In the same vein as Beaujolais Nouveau — but local and far better. This off-dry wine is super crisp with pear, apple and light floral notes. Make sure that you drink it before March to enjoy it at its fresh best Paumanok Vineyards 2010 Festival Red: This blend of merlot, cabernet franc,…

Empire State Cellars Wine Club: November 2012 Selections

The November shipment of the Empire State Cellars Wine Club will ship in a couple weeks, but — as always — I’m excited to share the selections with you. If you’re not familiar with the club, you can learn more here. “Hello New York” Wines Lamoreaux Landing 2011 Gruner Veltliner: It’s exciting to include this relatively new grape to New York, and Lamoreaux Landing’s first commercial release of it. Dry and refreshing, it shows aloe, white pepper, lemon-lime citrus, and green herbs — with just a hint of salinity. Roanoke Vineyards 2010 BOND: Some complain about the lack of quality “table wines”…

The New York Cork Club’s March 2010 Selections

This month's selections: Red Newt Cellars 2007 Sawmill Creek Cabernet Franc and Lucas Vineyards 2008 Dry Riesling  By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Today I'm happy to announce our New York Cork Club selections for March: Red Newt Cellars 2007 Sawmill Creek Cabernet Franc and Lucas Vineyards 2008 Dry Riesling. If you read this site, you've probably already seen the reviews (here and here) so I won't go into the notes again, but I will say that I'm proud to have each in the club. Not familiar with the New York Cork Club? You can read about it, but the quick and…

New York Cork Club (New York Wine Club): October 2009 Selections

By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief What is the New York Cork Club? It's a New York wine club that I run with Greene Grape Wine in Brooklyn that puts the best, most interesting and often hardest-to-get New York wines in the hands of New York wine lovers. You can learn more here, but the basics are simple. I taste a lot of New York wines every week. The ones that stand out often find their way into the monthly shipments of two wines. Monthly costs vary depending on the wines I pick, but it's never more than $60 (plus shipping) for…

New York Cork Club: April Selections

By Lenn Thompson, Editor and Publisher Obviously I'm a bit behind with this post, given that we're well into May now, but I wanted to write a quick post about the wines I chose for April's shipment of the New York Cork Club. Both were a little difficult to get our hands on, so I'm extra proud of the choices. First is Keuka Lake Vineyards 2007 Reserve Vignoles ($19), just the kind of wine that you're not going to get in any other wine club. First, Vignoles is hybrid grape. Unfortunately, most wine 'experts' ignore hybrids. Second, it's a (almost)…

New York Cork Club: December’s Selections

This month, I've decided to do something a little different with the New York Cork Club, the New York wine club that I manage with Greene Grape Wine Company in Brooklyn. In most months, I pick two wines from two different wineries (and often from two differnet AVAs) This time, I picked two wines from the same winery, Lenz Winery on Long Island's North Fork. With the holidays coming up, I wanted to send two different types of wine — one that members can open at a party (affordably) and just simply enjoy drinking and one that was a bit…