Posts Tagged“nouveau”

Keuka Lake Vineyards 2014 Leon Millot Nouveau

Given the popularity of Beaujolais Nouveau every fall, it’s long surprised me how few New York wineries (or American wineries for that matter) have embraced the concept. I mean, most Beaujolais Nouveau is terrible. I’m sure New York wineries can do better. Enter Keuka Lake Vineyards 2014 Leon Millot Nouveau ($18). Keuka Lake Vineyards has a bit of a cult following for it’s non-nouveau Leon Millot — an inky dark, chewy red unlike many from the Finger Lakes. On the other hand, this nouveau is soft and fruity, which red cherry note and just a little little cassis. There is a…

Macari Vineyards 2013 “Early Wine” Chardonnay

With all of the chardonnay grown on Long Island, it is unthinkable to me that no one else is making wines like this one. Macari Vineyards 2013 “Early Wine” Chardonnay ($17) isn’t complex. It isn’t the best wine on the North Fork. It isn’t a world changer. What it is, is delicious. And fun. And too many wines forget to be both of those things. The grapes were picked in September 7, and not long after a short fermentation, the finished was bottled right after Halloween. The wine was released on winemaker Kelly Urbanik’s birthday, November 8. Notes of citrus —…

WTN: Macari Vineyards 2006 Early Wine (North Fork of Long Island)

Le Chardonnay Nouveau est arrivé! That’s right — Chardonnay Nouveau, not Beaujolais Nouveau. Every fall, there is an unbelievable (and unwarranted) amount of hype surrounding Beaujolais Nouveau, the ubiquitous red wine made from Gamay in the Beaujolais region of France that is sold almost as soon as it’s done fermenting. It’s marketed well — very well — as a ‘fresh’ wine and we’ll soon seen bottles in all of our wine shops. Some people even consider it the perfect Thanksgiving wine. I don’t care for the stuff and it’s been years since I made my friends and family drink it…