Posts Tagged“peconic bay winery”

Wines Worth Dodging the Pumpkin Pickers For

I heard a joke last weekend that goes something like this: "Don’t wear orange on the North Fork this time of year. You might be taken home by someone." It’s probably not the funniest joke you’ve heard lately, but it aptly describes the sometimes-chaotic behavior of the pumpkin-picking masses. All those families, dead set on finding the perfect pumpkin, the best hay ride and the curviest corn maze, have been clogging the major North Fork arteries for weeks and will continue to do so through the fall. Whether you call it the harvest parade, a parking lot or bumper-to-bumper, the…

WTN: Peconic Bay Winery 2006 (North Fork of Long Island)

In the past, I’ve had some less-than-nice things to say about Peconic Bay Winery. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy some of their wines-I absolutely do and have for quite a while. Their Stainless Steel Chardonnay and Riesling are both great every day wines at fair prices. But man, they made some sweet, koolaid-esque rose in the past. And, in their tasting room, flights started off with those wines, which I thought probably turned off the serious wine drinkers before they got down to the better wines. I knew that it did me. I’m sure that it’s purely a coincidence…

Vineyard Visuals: They’ll Look the Other Way…For Now

Photo compliments of Matt Gillies, Peconic Bay Winery "This little fellow brought mowing a field near the vineyard to a stop today. His sister (or brother — I didn’t check) lay 20 feet away- just as still. Neither one moved an inch as I photographed them. Just a few days old and with no scent and no movement, they will be safe until their mother returns to nurse them later. All work has been stopped in that field until these little guys get up and about in the next week or so. They’ll eat our grapes later this year and…

Pre-Bud Break at Peconic Bay Vineyards

Matt and Jen at Peconic Bay Winery sent me this picture this morning. It was taken last evening in their vineyard on Route 25 near the winery. These are vines that are so close to bud break it’s ridiculous. I’m always looking for nice shots of East End wine country. So, if you take any great pictures when you’re visiting the wineries, please do send them along. And, in the next couple of days, I’ll be announcing yet another new contributor to LENNDEVOURS…this time a photographer.

WTN: Peconic Bay Winery 2005 Steel Fermented Chardonnay (North Fork of Long Island)

I can still remember my first sip of Peconic Bay Winery’s steel fermented Chardonnay like it was yesterday. I had just moved to Long Island and was then only flirting with the region and its wines. This flirtation has since become an all-out love affair and I count this wine as one that stoked the fire of my neophyte palate. At the time, my vision of Chardonnay was of the flabby butter bombs with big everything – oak, vanilla, fruit – that I had tasted from both Australia and California. Based on my early experiences with those wines, I used…

New York Cork Club: March Selections

In the wake of some great coverage of the New York Cork Club, I’m happy to announce our March Selections…a steel-fermented favorite and a enchantingly flavorful cabernet franc. First is the 2005 Steel Fermented Chardonnay ($16) from Peconic Bay Winery. When I first moved to long Island less than a decade ago, I was still a wine newbie and had only experience oaky, heavy chards from Australia and California. This was was amazing…it actually allowed me to taste the chardonnay grape for the first time. Fresh on the nose with almost sauvignon-blanc like grapefruit and other citrus, there is also…

This Week On Appellation America (9/29/06)

I don’t often write much about my Appellation America gig here on LENNDEVOURS. But, for those of you that don’t know, I’m the regional correspondant for both the Long Island and Hudson Valley regions. What this means is that in addition to helping build appellation consciousness for the two regions, I’m responsble for tasting and recommending their wines as well. It’s hard work, but somebody has to do it, right? The cool thing is that editorial really drives the Appellation America site — a rarity in the wine media world to be sure. Starting today, I’ll highlight my Appellation America…

Do You Hate Chardonnay?

“I don’t like Chardonnay.” I hear this all the time when I talk to friends, family and even strangers on the street about wine. I’ve even said it to myself as I choked down a heavy, buttery, oak-filled chard…usually hailing from California. These wines are difficult to pair well with food and, unless you enjoy the flavor of American, French or some other region’s oak trees, it’s no wonder you don’t like them. Fact is, you’ve probably never really tasted this most noble of all white wine grapes. Through barrel fermentation and excessive aging in new oak, many wine makers…