Posts Tagged“thanksgiving wine”

What Are YOU Drinking With Thanksgiving Dinner?

Last week, the NYCR team shared some of what they will be drinking tomorrow with Thanksgiving dinner. It was a diverse list to be sure. Now it’s your turn. We want to know what are YOU plan to uncork with your meal tomorrow. Tell us about one bottle. Tell us about all of them. The NYCR team is on vacation until Monday — it’s the least I can do, right? — so have a great Thanksgiving!

The New York Cork Report Guide to Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving wine columns. Editors demand them. Writers write them. Of course, people read them. They must. These “Perfect Thanksgiving Wine” columns are ubiquitous. We don’t like them here, though. We don’t think anyone should worry so much about wine pairings of any sort, for any meal. Wine pairing is often much more about avoiding bad pairings than it is finding the singular “perfect” wine for whatever is on your plate. Barbera is getting a lot of attention this year in Thanksgiving columns. It’s a great pick — fruity, low-tannin and crunch with acidity. But is it t he “perfect Thanksgiving wine?…

What We’ll Drink… for Thanksgiving

I heard from a few of you that you were curious what the NYCR was drinking tomorrow. So, I asked the team to hurriedly send over just that bit of information. Not surprisingly, there are some overlaps (influding a local angle, particularly Finger Lakes riesling) but there is also quite a bit of diversity too: Lenn Thompson, Executive Editor We follow two simple rules in my house on Thanksgiving — drink stuff you like. And if you don’t like it, dump it out. Luckily many of the beverages I crave most are among the most food friendly as well, so…

The “Perfect Thanksgiving Wine” Myth

Thanksgiving wine columns. Editors demand them. Writers write them. Some wayward readers even clamor for them. Me? I hate them. Well, hate is a strong word. Too strong probably. What I do hate is seeing people so stressed out over wine pairing — Thanksgiving or not — that they rely on the words of a stranger just because they are printed on paper. It's not worth worrying about, people. Wine "experts" and sommeliers don't want you to think so, but wine pairing is often much more about avoiding bad pairings than it is finding the singular "perfect" one. Are there…

Thanksgiving Wines: Stop Stressing. Drink Local.

I haven’t written about it much lately, but I’m still the wine pairing guru over at the Culinary Media Network (formerly Gilded Fork). Jen and Mark are terrific and supremely passionate about what they are doing. Between the website and the podcasts, there is plenty of food and drink information coming out of the network. Why do I bring this up as part of my LENNDEVOURS Thanksgiving wine column? Well, when Chef Mark sent me his Thanksgiving menu so that I could start working on the pairings, it really hit me: Why do we worry so much about Thanksgiving wine…