Posts Tagged“thanksgiving”

Thanksgiving in New York Wine Country

It’s that time of year once again — the time when we ask our friends in the New York wine industry to share their Thanksgiving traditions as well as their wine (or cider or beer) pairing plans for the holiday. I’ve also asked the NYCR team to chime in with their plans. Here at New York Cork Report international headquarters, I’m feeling a bit behind schedule. Typically I’ve pulled all of the wines we’ll have on Thanksgiving Day by now — but I haven’t pulled a single one from the cellar yet. Perhaps not surprisingly, we drink mostly New York wines and…

Corks of the Forks: The Last Thanksgiving Wine Story You’ll Ever Need to Read

When considering your Thanksgiving wine choices, here’s the only advice you need: Drink good wine. Don’t complicate it any more than that. OK. You probably want to know why it’s that simple, and I’m happy to explain it. I’ve written Thanksgiving-related stories for at least a decade, just like every other wine writer — from local guys like me to national columnists in the big, glossy magazines. Some feel compelled to do so, but often we’re told to write these stories because they’re apparently popular, though I don’t actually understand why. None of my friends or family members stress about…

Weekly New York Wine News — November 10, 2015

Fall in the vineyard (photo via Shinn Estate Vineyards) NEWS Facebook - 11/4/2005 Lakewood Vineyards in Watkins Glen, have broken ground for a sizable increase in winery and tank space. - 11/7/2015 A wine summit of a different sort, Frontenac Point hosted a gathering of Finger Lakes food and wine pioneers to discuss the past and future of the region. Auburn Citizen - 11/9/2015 Six Mile Creek Vineyard in Ithaca is under new ownership with plans to add sparkling wine and rum to the program. News Editor notes that this happens to be the first establishment in the region…

The New York Cork Report Guide to Thanksgiving Wine

Thanksgiving wine columns. Editors demand them. Writers write them. Of course, people read them. They must. These “Perfect Thanksgiving Wine” columns are ubiquitous. We don’t like them here, though. We don’t think anyone should worry so much about wine pairings of any sort, for any meal. Wine pairing is often much more about avoiding bad pairings than it is finding the singular “perfect” wine for whatever is on your plate. Barbera is getting a lot of attention this year in Thanksgiving columns. It’s a great pick — fruity, low-tannin and crunch with acidity. But is it t he “perfect Thanksgiving wine?…

Thanksgiving: What the New York Wine Community is Drinking

If you’re new to this site, you may not know this, but we don’t really believe in “Thanksgiving Columns” around these parts — at least not in the traditional drink-this-because-it’s-perfect-with-Thanksgiving-dinner sense. I won’t bore you with my full argument against these popular (with writers, anyway) wine-writing crutches, but I’ll offer a brief, two-pronged reason why I personally dislike them and find them useless: Read 10 of these columns and you’ll get 10 sets of advice This fact kinda, sorta means that there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ anything when it comes to Thanksgiving wines So, instead of telling…

For Thanksgiving, Drink What You Like

By Lenn Thompson, Editor-in-Chief You may have noticed that the New York Cork Report hasn't published a "What You Should Drink on Thanksgiving" story this year. That's by design. I don't see us writing one of those in the future either. Someone must read them — they appear in just about every possible wine media outlet. Every year. Like clockwork. You can read some of the details about why I personally don't like those columns, but in short: They are based in false expertise. There is no such thing as the "perfect" Thanksgiving wine, period. If there were, all of…

A Long Island Thanksgiving: The Turkey

This year I wanted to do something a little different to celebrate Thanksgiving here on LENNDEVOURS. So, I've asked some local chefs to contribute some of their favorite Thanksgiving recipes and pick a local wine or two to serve along side. The turkey, obviously, is the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving celebrations, and David Page (seen at right), former executive chef and co-owner of Home in Manhattan, and current co-owner of Shinn Estate Vineyards has offered this recipe for roast turkey. This is actually the recipe that I'm going to follow next week, and it comes from David's cookbook, Recipes from…

The “Perfect Thanksgiving Wine” Myth

Thanksgiving wine columns. Editors demand them. Writers write them. Some wayward readers even clamor for them. Me? I hate them. Well, hate is a strong word. Too strong probably. What I do hate is seeing people so stressed out over wine pairing — Thanksgiving or not — that they rely on the words of a stranger just because they are printed on paper. It's not worth worrying about, people. Wine "experts" and sommeliers don't want you to think so, but wine pairing is often much more about avoiding bad pairings than it is finding the singular "perfect" one. Are there…

What I’m Thankful For This Year (Wine Edition)

This is a list of just some of the wine-related things I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving season. Feel free to leave comments about the things you are thankful for this year! The 2007 Harvest. Just like the local winemakers who can’t stop talking about the healthy, ripe fruit they’ve been given to work with and the local wine lovers who will enjoy the result of that work, I too am thankful for the 2007 season. It promises to be one of the best vintages ever. That means I’ll have plenty to write about for years to come. Small Producers. I’m…

Thanksgiving Wines: Stop Stressing. Drink Local.

I haven’t written about it much lately, but I’m still the wine pairing guru over at the Culinary Media Network (formerly Gilded Fork). Jen and Mark are terrific and supremely passionate about what they are doing. Between the website and the podcasts, there is plenty of food and drink information coming out of the network. Why do I bring this up as part of my LENNDEVOURS Thanksgiving wine column? Well, when Chef Mark sent me his Thanksgiving menu so that I could start working on the pairings, it really hit me: Why do we worry so much about Thanksgiving wine…