Posts Tagged“vines”

North Country Passing - Rob McDowell

North Country wine growers and cold climate viticulture lost a visionary, sharp witted, friend, colleague and sometimes antagonist when Rob McDowell passed away earlier this month on December 13th. Rob grew and operated Purple Gate Vineyard in Plattsburgh and was one of the first people to dedicate serious efforts to the propagation of cold hardy hybrids in the Lake Champlain Valley of New York. Rob was a founding member of the local wine community and shared generously of his knowledge at site visits, meetings and workshops, with locals and visitors alike, some who would go on to become growers and winemakers…

New Cornell Grapes Named and Released. NYCR Reader Submission Chosen.

The Lilac Ballroom of the Riverside Convention Center in Rochester, NY filled quickly earlier this week for a late morning session of the Viticulture 2013 Conference, where the commercial names for two new wine grapes released from the Cornell breeding program were to be announced. White wine grape NY76.0844.24 will now officially be called “Aromella“, and the red grape NY95.0301.01 will be recognized as “Arandell“. Over 1100 suggestions from around the globe had poured in after the request for assistance was publicized last year, first here in the Cork Report, and then as picked up by other news outlets. Horticulture Professor Bruce Reisch…

Pre-Bud Break at Peconic Bay Vineyards

Matt and Jen at Peconic Bay Winery sent me this picture this morning. It was taken last evening in their vineyard on Route 25 near the winery. These are vines that are so close to bud break it’s ridiculous. I’m always looking for nice shots of East End wine country. So, if you take any great pictures when you’re visiting the wineries, please do send them along. And, in the next couple of days, I’ll be announcing yet another new contributor to LENNDEVOURS…this time a photographer.