Posts Written OnAugust 23, 2010

Reminder: Angelman Syndrome Benefit at Roanoke Vineyards, September 12

Don't forget about our Angelman Syndrome benefit at Roanoke Vineyards on September 12. You can learn more aobut Angelman Syndrome but there isn't a cure today and as with many other syndromes, diseases and disorders, there is never enough money to fund research. We'll be hosting a wine tasting event at Roanoke Vineyards on Sunday, September 12, 2010 from 1 - 5 p.m. to raise money that we'll donate through the Angelman Syndrome Foundation). Shinn Estate Vineyards will also be taking part in the event as our guest winery. Tickets are $35 and have been selling better than I ever…

Brooklyner-Schneider Hopfen-Weiss

This is one of two collaboration beers between brewers Hans-Peter Drexler of legendary Bavarian brewery Schneider and Brooklyn Brewery brewmaster Garrett Oliver. The version with the Brooklyn label is widely available but I found a Schneider label bottle and had to try it. The idea is that each brewed the same beer in the other brewer's brewery, but with different hopping to assert some terroir. Yup, I just dropped the T-word. It's not a New York beer per se, but it's a New York brewer and a pretty interesting concept. This weiss pours a gorgeous cloudy tangerine color, with a…