Welcome to the new New York Cork Report!

For weeks (months?) we’ve been working behind the scenes to migrate more than 3,300 posts from the old system over to this new one, cleaning up non-New York posts (the site didn’t start with a New York focus, after all) and redoing the categories and information architecture.

In essence, we’re been maintaining two sites for over a month — loading content into both systems because the bulk migration was done, but the new site just wasn’t ready. It’s time to cut the cord and leave TypePad.

Is this new site as perfect as I’d like it to be? No. I’m still working to re-categorize hundreds of posts and associate the right pictures to the right posts in the right place. But, I’m happy enough with where it is to welcome all of our readers to see it and — I hope — offer feedback.

We did lose a few comments in the migration, which I don’t like, but that’s a small price to pay for what I think it is a vastly superior platform and site design.

So let us know what you think!